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$5000 reward for information on Drexel vandals | The Triangle

$5000 reward for information on Drexel vandals

Jul. 26, 2016

The Drexel University police are seeking culprits responsible for vandalizing the former Beneficial Bank building at 12th and Chestnut streets, currently under renovation to become the Thomas R. Kline Institute of Trial Advocacy. It has been vandalized repeatedly since April with the most recent incident taking place before 3 a.m June 7. The Citizens Crime Commission is offering a $5000 reward for any information that leads to the arrest of the guilty party.

The culprits have been captured on security footage.

“They are two white males, maybe in their early to mid-20s, dark hair. One subject has a tattoo on his right forearm that looks like it could be a rifle or some type of gun. It’s very distinctive,” Eileen Behr, Drexel University Chief of Police, told Channel 6 ABC News.

Drexel police have released the video to aid in the vandals’ identification. Those who have information related to the suspects’ identities may submit anonymous tips to 215-456-TIPS.