USGA discusses ongoing issues and updates to “town hall” meetings | The Triangle

USGA discusses ongoing issues and updates to “town hall” meetings

Photo Credit: USGA
Photo Credit: USGA

Drexel University’s Undergraduate Student Government Association met Feb. 18 in a rather small-scale session as most members were absent. USGA discussed their ongoing efforts to host “town hall” events, the upcoming Student Life Awards and the addition of new representatives. The proposal to add a freshman representative, though, did not receive its scheduled vote for lack of quorum.

USGA President Kevin Murray, who was himself late due to an appearance at an event for student organization leaders, indicated that the low attendance was due to various members’ scheduling difficulties, and the chosen date represented the best one during this part of the term.

A debriefing on the Feb. 2 event where President John A. Fry answered students’ questions, revealed some dissatisfaction. Though Murray was pleased with the breadth of topics covered, the turnout was disappointing. USGA members suggested changing the venue (last time, a classroom in the Papadakis Integrated Sciences Building) to something more public, like the lobby of the Recreation Center or the Handschumacher Dining Center, and also moving away from the town hall name to something more understandable such as a “Q&A.”

The project is of importance to Murray. “I really want to advertise this much more heavily,” he said of the next meeting involving Fry, slated for early spring term. He mentioned that past town hall events were USGA-branded but in fact entirely organized by the Dean of Students, and said it is good that USGA has recently taken more control. The next such event will be March 2 with Donna Murasko, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.

Vice President James Gordon reported on the organization of the Student Life Awards, some of which are presented by USGA, encouraging members to submit nominations of themselves or friends. The theme will be “excellence through the ages,” spotlighting a slate of successful Drexel alumni throughout history. The deadline for nominations is March 1.

The last major topic of consideration was the potential addition of two members. The existing position, a representative for inclusion, is vacant; and is to be filled until the spring term election through a USGA vote. Murray said that leaders of “inclusive” and “diverse” student organizations would be invited via email to apply.

USGA is also considering whether to add a representative specifically for freshmen. Murray, who is in favor of the proposal, decided at the last meeting that a vote would be held Feb. 18. With a mere 10 representatives present, though, the assembly found itself without a quorum, the minimum amount of members present needed to do business. The USGA constitution does not define a quorum, but two-thirds is traditional.

The representatives nevertheless discussed the topic, at which point spectators were asked to leave, as they keep the opinions of members on any issue to be voted upon a strict secret.

The next full USGA meeting will be March 9 at 7 p.m. Meetings generally start in Room 051 of the Creese Student Center and are open to public.