Wiig shines in relentlessly funny all-female comedy | The Triangle
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Wiig shines in relentlessly funny all-female comedy

May. 13, 2011

Courtesy Universal Pictures
From director/producer of this generation's classic comedies such as "Knocked Up" and "The 40-Year-Old Virgin," Judd Apatow serves up yet another winner with "Bridesmaids," in theaters Friday, May 13.

Sometimes, the best moments in life are also the most stressful; it is for this reason that weddings don’t always go as smoothly as planned. A specific gathering of just the right (or wrong) people can create the perfect storm for a full-blown family crisis. However, in “Bridesmaids,” directed by Paul Feig, the perfect cast of actresses come together to make a hilarious comedy with the momentous occasion of a wedding as the background.

Annie (Kristen Wiig) is a woman at her lowest point. Nothing seems to be going right in any part of her life, be it social, love or financial. When her best friend decides to get married, however, there appears hope that she can turn things around – that is, until her friend’s new “best friend,” played by Rose Byrne, throws a kink in the plan. The next two hours are spent following the exploits of Annie as she tries to put her life back together, and there is no shortage of comedy along the way.

Few comedies manage to keep the jokes at such a high caliber throughout the full picture, but “Bridesmaids” manages to pull it off. It doesn’t take long to get to the next big laugh, and the only downfall is that once a certain joke or gag is started, it takes a while to get out of it. Some of the scenes could have been cut shorter and it was obvious that they were there for the anticipated length of time that a joke would last. While this is noticeable, it is not overwhelming. Usually, the writers are correct in thinking the jokes they wrote will hold out for a good few minutes. They mostly are.

The interesting thing about this movie is that it has a uniquely female-dominated cast. I don’t want to make an argument over which gender is funnier, but there are some noticeable differences in the type of jokes that girls can get away with as opposed to guys. It is just naturally obvious that there are some subjects women will find funnier than men would. However, there are moments in “Bridesmaids” where the women break through this theory and throw some raunchy jokes out, which would normally be associated with what a male audience would find funny.

Regardless of the content of the comedy and which sex it is entertaining most, “Bridesmaids” is hilarious and worth the ticket price. The cast works together as the perfect ensemble; all their various strengths mesh together to form a symphony of well-played scenes. Wiig shines as a sympathetic protagonist with a chip on her shoulder, and, in particular, Melissa McCarthy manages to steal more than a few scenes. Even some of the smaller roles, such as Jon Hamm’s cameo, provide some well composed hilarity.

If it’s been a while since a movie has had you laughing hysterically, then this is the film to check out. It’s a refreshing ride that lets you unwind and enjoy the humorously bad situations in a fictitious character’s life rather than deal with your own. A pleasant escape, “Bridesmaids” is equal parts funny and emotionally satisfying.