Fork U | The Triangle
Arts & Entertainment

Fork U

May. 10, 2013

Now that I’m on co-op, I’ve joined the majority of corporate America in having a daily routine. With my new schedule, I’ve had a lot more time to devote to hanging out with friends, working out and cooking. I’ve also had the chance to try new things, including Bikram yoga. Bikram yoga is basically yoga in a sauna or steam room — not kidding; it’s in a 105-degree room set at 45 percent humidity. It can be unbearable at times, but you feel a great sense of accomplishment the minute you get out of those doors, and overall you feel amazing. Sometimes after I go for a run, all I want is a nice plate of fries, but without fail, every time I do Bikram yoga I crave healthy food.

My quest for easy, healthy and nutritious meals met my desire to try to cook salmon; that is how I came up with this recipe:

Lemon Dill Salmon with Rosemary Honey Carrots and Garlic Couscous

Servings: 2



1 pound fresh deboned salmon
1 lemon
4 tablespoons fresh chopped dill
2 teaspoons lemon pepper
1 lemon
2 tablespoons butter

Coat the skinless side of the salmon with dill and lemon pepper.

Put one tablespoon of butter in a pan in an oven that has been preheated to 475 degrees for about five minutes. Putting the butter in first will give your salmon a good flavor and a crispy bite. Squeeze half your lemon onto the salmon and add the fresh dill to the side without skin. After the butter cooks for five minutes, take the pan out and put the salmon on the pan with the skin side up. I like to put the lemon peels on top of the salmon in the oven for added flavor. Cook it in the oven for five minutes. Take the salmon out and peel off the skin. Add salt and lemon, and put lemon pepper on the other side. Cook for approximately 10 more minutes. Cut into two pieces and enjoy.


3 cups baby carrots
4 tablespoons honey
1 tablespoon dry rosemary
2 tablespoons olive oil
Small ceramic dish

Coat the ceramic dish you plan to cook in with oil. Make sure you oil the whole ceramic dish because you don’t want the honey to stick to the pan.

Mix all the ingredients and cook in the oven at 475 degrees for 40 minutes or until the carrots start to brown a little and are soft on the inside.


I serve both of these with couscous prepared the way my specific package instructs and sprinkle 1 teaspoon of garlic powder and 1 teaspoon of olive oil per 2 cups of couscous.