Triangle Talks with Jeremy Lenhart | The Triangle

Triangle Talks with Jeremy Lenhart

Apr. 25, 2014

Jeremy Lenhart is a senior business and engineering major at Drexel and member of the University of Pennsylvania’s Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps program.

Triangle Talks: What’s your story? What brought you to Drexel?

Jeremy Lenhart: I’ve wanted to be a pilot in the military since I was a kid. By high school I knew to be a pilot you had to be an officer and to be an officer you had to have a college degree, so I applied to several colleges including Drexel, [Villanova University] and [The Pennsylvania State University]. At the same time I was applying for colleges, I was applying for the Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps scholarship and Drexel caught my attention for three main reasons: the first was the fast-paced city living; it seemed perfect for a young student looking for excitement and adventure. The second reason was the co-op program, and the third was that Drexel offers free room and board to all NROTC and [Army] ROTC students.

TT: Any particular reason you chose the Navy as opposed to another branch?

JL: I chose the Navy over other branches because being out at sea and visiting foreign ports caught my interest.

TT: Do you have any leadership role within the NROTC program?

JL: I was battalion executive officer in the fall term, and that is the second highest position following the battalion commanding officer. My duties were to run the day-to-day operations of the battalion and assist the BCO in anything he needed.

TT: What’s it like balancing NROTC and 10-week terms?

JL: Balancing NROTC and 10-week terms is a challenge. The first challenge is that we are on [the University of Pennsylvania’s] academic calendar, because Penn, Drexel and Temple have a combined program and we use Penn’s facilities, so NROTC operates on a semester schedule. This means we need to be able to pay attention to both our academic calendar and the NROTC calendar to make sure we are on top of everything. The second challenge would be balancing everything. From academics to physical training to lack of sleep due to late nights and early mornings, it forces you to be focused and be good at time management.

TT: What are your plans after graduation?

JL: After graduation I will be going to Pensacola, Fla., for flight school to pursue my dream to become a Navy pilot.

TT: What do you think makes a good leader?

JL: A good leader is one who knows his or her people and takes care of them. He gives them the tools they need to be successful and sets obtainable goals and sets the example.

TT: A genie grants you three wishes — what are they?

JL: 1) A long successful career. 2) Long-term health for me and my family. 3) The ability to predict the stock market.

TT: What’s something most people don’t know about you?

JL: My favorite musician is Frank Sinatra. I like sitting on the porch in the summer grilling and listening to his music.

TT: If you could have dinner with anyone — dead or alive — who would it be and why?

JL: Frank Sinatra because I think it would lead to an awesome story. Plus, I wouldn’t mind being serenaded.

TT: Finish this sentence: Philadelphia is the best at …

JL: Cheesesteaks.

Triangle Talks is a weekly column that highlights members of the Drexel community.