Triangle Talks with Andy Dinh | The Triangle

Triangle Talks with Andy Dinh

Nov. 21, 2014
Photo Courtesy: Andy Dinh
Photo Courtesy: Andy Dinh

Andy Dinh is a pre-junior civil&architectural engineering major.  He is currently the philanthropy and community service chair for Sigma Alpha Mu

Triangle Talks: First things first — who are you? Please give us a general overview of what you do with your life, and how you’re involved with Sigma Alpha Mu.

Andy Dinh:  I am currently a pre-junior studying civil and architectural engineering. My hobbies are widespread; from music, to gaming, to sports, to outdoor activities. My current involvement in Sigma Alpha Mu includes being the philanthropy and community service chair, along with being the public relations chair.

TT: What is No Shave November Philanthropy? How many years have you been doing this?

AD: Our national philanthropy is the Judy Fund, which is a part of the Alzheimer’s Association. No Shave November is the name of the event our fraternity is participating in. This is actually the first year we are participating in No Shave November.

TT: How successful is this philanthropy?

AD: Like I stated before, this is our first year participating in this event. After a week of donations though, we have managed to collect about $25,000.

TT: What No Shave experiences have you had in the past? How long has your facial hair gotten?

AD: Personally, this is the first year I have taken part in No Shave, and I think this is the longest I have ever allowed it to grow. I am usually a clean shaved guy, so to have it grow as long as it is now and actually stand out is truly something different.

Photo Courtesy: Andy Dinh
Photo Courtesy: Andy Dinh

TT: Do you have any tips for men who have trouble maintaining a good-looking beard?

AD: The only tip I would have is to keep on trimming it and have it well-kept every other day. It requires commitment and the ability to maintain a good looking beard.

TT: How would you describe having facial hair?

AD: It is a bit itchy at first, but getting out of that phase it starts to feel nice. To me and some other guys, it feels like a step of maturity to have a nice beard.

TT: Who is your facial hair idol? Who is your philanthropic idol?

AD: One of my facial hair idols is Harley Morenstein, from “Epic Meal Time.” His beard is gorgeous. As for philanthropic idol, I will have to go with Paul G. Allen, cofounder of Microsoft.

TT: Have you gotten any compliments on your beard during No Shave November? Any insults?

AD: I have gotten a couple of compliments that have been varying. As far as insults go, there does not seem to be any.

TT:  How does your significant other feel about your beard?

AD: I am currently single, so I cannot answer this, haha.

TT: Be honest with us. Why do you like doing this? Is it because of philanthropy or is it because you get to stop shaving for a month?

AD: It is really a bit of both. I have never grown facial hair as long or abundant, so it’s fun to see how this turns out. Philanthropy-wise, I have always enjoyed being a part of any fundraiser or donation event. I enjoy the feeling of being able to give to a cause or giving back to a community.

TT: Out of all of the philanthropic events that you could’ve chosen, why did Sigma Alpha Mu choose this one?

AD: This was an event chosen by nationals for all chapters to take part in, so I am not really sure why we chose this personally. The tagline they put up makes it sound great though. It say “We are growing our beards long to help keep brains strong.” I just find it very catchy.

Photo Courtesy: Sigma Alpha Mu
Photo Courtesy: Sigma Alpha Mu

TT: Does having facial hair affect the way you dress?

AD: I think to some guys it does, like wearing flannel to look like a lumberjack, but to me personally it does not really have an effect.

TT: How easily does food get stuck in your facial hair? Is this a serious problem?

AD: I have had no problem with food thus far, maybe getting it wet from soup or something that includes liquid, but so far no problems with the food I eat.

TT: If you could describe your facial hair by a stereotype, what would it be? Evil Genius, Biker Gang, Captain of a Pirate Ship, Chuck Norris, Billy Mays?

AD: Most definitely Tony Stark from Iron Man.

TT: What are the rules of No Shave November? To what extent can you trim or style your facial hair?

AD: The one rule to follow is simple, no shaving whatsoever for the whole month. Of course you can trim you beard to maintain it and style it any way you would like, but you cannot have a clean shaven face (with the exception of being in a professional environment that does not allow facial hair). The only stipulation we have to this rule is that for the philanthropy, if you receive a donation from someone in your name, only then can you shave it. (Mainly involves parents who want their children to be clean for Thanksgiving).

TT: How easy is it to follow the rules?

AD: I feel it is a pretty easy rule to follow.

TT: Have you or any of your brothers ever had any difficulties shaving for the first time after No Shave November?

AD: From what I have gathered, no one seems to have much trouble. In fact, a couple of guys like to keep it around for the winter season.