USGA to commence annual elections this week | The Triangle

USGA to commence annual elections this week

May. 14, 2015

Drexel University’s annual Undergraduate Student Government Association elections take place this year from May 20 to May 27. Undergraduate Drexel students are encouraged by the organization to vote for their student representatives, who will address campus concerns that arise throughout the school year and advocate for student rights. The elections themselves take place online on the USGA DragonLink page, accessible through the DrexelOne “Campus and Community” tab under DragonLink. Here, students can place their votes for USGA for president, archivist, treasurer, personnel director and communications director. The voting will close at 10 p.m. on Wednesday, May 27.

The six officer positions open for election have the following roles. Treasurer organizes the budget and all financial records, as well as working with the Student Activity Fee Allocation Committee. The archivist serves as the secretary for the organization. The events director handles event registration and coordination of the Student Life Awards Banquet. The personnel director tracks personnel assignments within USGA and deals with related paperwork. Finally the communications director promotes USGA events, develops promotional material and manages all official USGA communications.

Photo courtesy: Drexel Web
Photo courtesy: Drexel Web

According to their constitution, “The Undergraduate Student Government Association exists to fairly represent the Drexel student body and to foster relations between the students and the University community.” The representatives chosen in these elections will work with numerous organizations throughout the student body community to enhance student life here at Drexel University.

“Utilizing each representative’s purposed relationship within the different departments of Drexel, the USGA seeks to achieve promotion of the student voice through consistent student outreach and facilitation of student involvement,” the constitution continues. By electing to vote in their student body government’s elections, students can become more involved in Drexel’s student body trajectory.