Two white males in their 20s caused damage of up to $3,000 to automobiles around Drexel University’s campus Jan. 15. They were observed via campus security cameras at three locations: the 100 block of North 32nd Street, the 3200 block of Winter Street and the 200 block of North Natrona Street.
“[T]hese two males were observed walking North in the 100 block of N. 32nd Street and as they walked past two vehicles … they kicked and pulled on the mirror housing on the passenger side doors, breaking them from the doors. They then walked into the 3200 block Winter Street. and the 200 block N. Natrona Street and jumped on the hoods, roofs, and windshields of three autos,” Associate Director of Public Safety, Robert Lis told The Triangle in an email.
These males were last seen at 3:10 a.m. walking east toward Winter Street.
Interim Vice President of Public Safety Eileen Behr requests that if students have any information about these men’s identification that they contact the Department of Public Safety immediately. Associate Director Lis can be contacted at 215-895-1526, and the Communication Center may also be contacted at 215-895-2822. All information and tips given will be considered anonymous.