Crime Report for July 23 to Aug. 13 | The Triangle
Crime & Policy Violations

Crime Report for July 23 to Aug. 13

Aug. 19, 2016

The following crimes occurred on or near campus and were reported to The Triangle by the Drexel University Department of Public Safety between July 23 and Aug. 13. All information included in this report is taken from law enforcement or Division of Public Safety incident reports.




July 23, 7:00 p.m. Schuylkill River Trail


A Drexel student reported that while jogging an unknown male approached them, engaged them in a conversation then touched them inappropriately. The male fled on foot.



July 29, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. 3400 Powelton Avenue


A Drexel student reported that unknown person(s) damaged outdoor property and forced open the front window to their residence in an attempt to enter. There was no entry made.

THEFT (15)


July 30 to July 31, 400 No. 36th St.


A Drexel student reported that unknown person(s) removed the registration plate from the rear of their automobile.


Aug. 2, 1 to 3 p.m.

A Drexel staff member reported that unknown person(s) entered their unlocked office and took two credit cards from their purse that was left in the office.


Aug. 2 to Aug. 13, 200 N 34th St.


A Drexel student reported that unknown person(s) took their bicycle that was secured to a bike rack with a chain lock.


Aug. 2, 5:10 to 5:20 p.m. 3300 Market Street


A Drexel student reported that unknown person(s) took their wallet and keys that were left unattended in a common area.


Aug. 3 to Aug. 4, 3400 Lancaster Avenue

A Drexel student reported that unknown person(s) removed the vehicle registration plate from the rear of their automobile.


Aug. 4 to Aug. 5, 1400 Vine Street

A Drexel staff member reported that unknown person(s) entered their office. There was no sign of force and items were removed from their unlocked desk drawer.


Aug. 5, 8:30 a.m. to 11:55 p.m. 3500 Market Street


A Drexel student reported that unknown person(s) took their FUJI bicycle that was secured to a bike post with a chain lock.


Aug. 5 to Aug. 7, 200 N 34th St.

A Drexel student reported that unknown person(s) took their bicycle that was secured to a porch railing with a chain lock.


Aug. 6, 4 to 10 p.m. 3400 Lancaster Avenue


A non-Drexel affiliate reported that unknown person(s) took their black mountain bike that was secured with a chain lock.


Aug. 9, 3300 Spring Garden Street


A non-Drexel affiliate reported that unknown person(s) took their bicycle that was secured to a railing with two locks.


Aug. 9 to Aug. 10, 3600 Spring Garden Street

A Drexel student reported that unknown person(s) took their bike that was secured to their porch with a cable lock.


Aug. 10, 3:35 p.m. 3500 Hamilton Street

Philadelphia Police arrested a non-Drexel affiliate after they were observed taking packages from the complainant’s front porch.


Aug. 10 to Aug. 11, 3000 John F. Kennedy Boulevard

A non-Drexel affiliate reported that unknown person(s) took their automobile that was locked and secured in a parking lot. The automobile was recovered Aug. 11 on the 3500 block of Lancaster Avenue.


Aug. 11, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. 3600 Market Street

A Drexel staff member reported that unknown person(s) took their laptop computer that was left unattended in an unlocked classroom.


Aug. 11, 9:05 p.m. 3400 Market Street

Drexel Police arrested a non-Drexel affiliate after the offender entered a Drexel building and took a student’s purse that was on a chair next to them. The purse and contents were recovered.


Aug. 13, 3600 Powelton Avenue


A complainant reported that the windshield to their automobile was shattered in an unknown manner.