Drexel’s plans for Spring include additional hybrid and face-to-face classes | The Triangle

Drexel’s plans for Spring include additional hybrid and face-to-face classes

Feb. 19, 2021

On Thursday, Feb. 11, Executive Vice President Paul E. Jensen and Provost Nina Henderson sent an email to the Drexel University student body detailing the current plan for the upcoming spring quarter. According to the email, the spring quarter will commence on March 29 and conclude on June 5 as initially planned (unlike winter quarter, which was shortened to nine weeks).

In addition, there is a plan to expand the amount of hybrid and face-to-face classes that will be offered to students on campus. Those returning to campus and taking face-to-face classes must get tested for COVID-19 each week, according to the statement. Beginning Monday, Feb. 15, the course schedule for the upcoming spring quarter will be accessible to students through DrexelOne and Term Master Schedule for course registration.

With regard to research, Drexel’s facilities have been operating in Phase 2 at less than 66 percent capacity, and these conditions will likely remain until further changes can be implemented. University libraries are to continue running both on-campus and virtually. Study abroad programs and international co-ops, with a few exceptions, have been canceled for the spring quarter.

This spring quarter will mark approximately one year since Drexel’s initial transition to virtual learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a change first implemented in March 2020. Hopefully, as the academic year progresses and circumstances become safer for in-person activities, Drexel will be able to invite more students back to campus.

For more information on the University Libraries reservations, timings and more, please visit their website at https://www.library.drexel.edu/about/overview/covid-19-response/.