Mord Fustang treats Philly to an electronica extravaganza | The Triangle
Arts & Entertainment

Mord Fustang treats Philly to an electronica extravaganza

Apr. 6, 2012

To be honest, I am somewhat of a newbie to electronica, only first dabbling into it in college. Prior to this, listening to Wired 96.5 and Q102 was the closest I had come to experiencing the genre, so I hardly knew of its existence. Luckily, for the sake of my street cred’ in the music field, I am more acquainted with electronica and attended my first electronica concert over spring break.

Mord Fustang headlined at the nightclub Rumor on March 29, along with Rednek, The Bolivian Marching Affair, DJ Dubsef and David Vaux. As Beatport’s “Breakthrough Artist of the Year” for 2012, Mord Fustang is a rising electronica artist and certainly performed as such in Philly.

This show was unlike any I have ever attended. For one, the venue was small, even in comparison to the Theatre of the Living Arts or the Trocadero Theatre. Though it was cramped, it actually worked with the nature of the performance. It allowed for a more collective experience among the audience. It was not necessarily a mosh pit but rather a cluster of dance circles.

Indeed, Mord Fustang’s beats could be more specifically classified as electronic dance music, well evidenced by the dancing crowd at the venue. Every audience member was included one way or another, whether jumping in the middle of the group for a brief solo performance or bopping along the outer ring.

The first performer kicked off at 9 p.m., making for a late, rowdy night that ended at 2 a.m. Granted, nobody complained, and even if they did, there was no use in fighting it. The music was not only emotionally stimulating, but also physically engaging with the manipulation of nonelectronic instruments to create techno-tastic sequences. The music was literally pounding through the stereos and into the crowd.

With all of this in mind, Mord Fustang and fellow EDM artists and disc jockeys can expect a promising future. In fact, the Philly music scene is helping to promote the genre, frequently hosting electronica shows at local venues like the TLA, the Trocadero Theatre and Union Transfer.

Feed Me will perform Saturday, April 7 at Union Transfer. Tickets are still on sale starting at $30. Take the opportunity to discover the EDM movement in its natural and buck-wild form.