Dayglow, the ultimate paint party with hardcore beats | The Triangle
Arts & Entertainment

Dayglow, the ultimate paint party with hardcore beats

Apr. 20, 2012

“I awaited as the clock turned 12, watching every second go by, just to ensure I bought my Dayglow ticket,” my roommate said two months ago. I thought she was crazy, only to find out that a majority of Drexel students feel the exact same way. Curious about the hype Dayglow created, I decided to give it a chance and add it to my college experiences. It turns out that it was one of the best times of my life.

For those of you who have no idea what I am talking about, don’t worry. I was on the same boat as you. Dayglow is known as “The world’s largest paint party.” It all started in 2006 on college campuses in Florida. Ever since its widespread success in the hotspots of Miami, it has quickly spread through the nation like wildfire. Now like me hundreds of thousands of people want to witness this spectacular show that fuses high-energy music, art, dance and paint into a one-of-a-kind combination.

Dayglow arrived in Philadelphia April 13 at Festival Pier as a part of the “L!fe in Color” tour. Students from Villanova University, Temple University, Rutgers University, the University of Pennsylvania and Drexel saved up for white shirts, neon accessories and tickets with prices ranging from $55 to as high as $120.

I have mixed feelings about my Dayglow experience. Arriving at Festival Pier, the excitement and energy levels could be felt throughout the crowd. People from all over Philadelphia made their way for this event. As the crowd grew, so did the enthusiasm.

The lineup consisted of renowned disc jockey Chuckie, David Solano and Betatraxx. Chuckie made his presence felt by making the audience go wild with his house and trance music, incorporating his famous “Who is ready to jump.” I moved to the beats, enjoying myself to the fullest.

Fans got their first taste of paint a little earlier in the evening, but at 9:30 p.m. the first blast sent neon-colored paint flying into the crowd. As the night grew on, those closest to the front were literally covered from head to toe in paint repeatedly throughout the show.

The venue was packed with people, many trying to get as close to the stage as possible. In addition to the headlining act, there were opening DJs, stage dancers, giant balloons, singers, confetti, smoke canons and much more. Paint flew, sweat poured, and thousands of bodies danced and mashed together.

There were a few issues, which is no surprise during a large-scale event. The wait in line to get inside the party was quite lengthy, water cost $5 per bottle, and restrooms were a considerable distance away. Audience members at the extreme end of the crowd complained of not getting splashed with paint at all, which is Dayglow’s main attraction.

Moreover, people were getting pushed down and stomped on quite frequently due to overcrowding. A few people even had to rush for water because of paint getting in their eyes. Additionally, the security check was poorly organized, and many suggested leaving early.

I came to realize that Dayglow is not for everyone. If you are the type of person who likes to be in the midst of what’s pretty much a mosh pit, then Dayglow is definitely the place for you. However, if you like to lay low and enjoy some good music, I would not recommend Dayglow.

For all of those crazy college kids looking to experience something different, insane and completely whacked out for a night, anticipate Dayglow’s return next year. I bet it will be wilder than the last!

As thousands across America said, “Be part of the new music culture; be part of Dayglow.”