Articles by Allison Starr
May. 16, 2014
Dornsife establish global partnership
Drexel University announced the creation of the Dornsife Global Development Scholars program May 5, with the support of long-time benefactors David and Dana Dornsife. The…

May. 2, 2014
Author shows off “Geek Dating” book
The Drexel Barnes & Noble bookstore hosted a “Dream Course” April 28 that was led by local author Eric Smith, who wrote “The Geek’s Guide…

Apr. 25, 2014
Study reveals discrimination in custody cases
Kirk Heilbrun, a professor in the Department of Psychology, and Emily Haney-Caron, a third-year law degree/psychology doctorate candidate, examined the impact on custody disputes of…

Apr. 18, 2014
Back on My Feet reaches out to 33rd and Baring
The Philadelphia-based organization Back on My Feet launched a new team April 9 based out of Veteran’s House, which will be hosting runs near Drexel’s…

Apr. 11, 2014
Matched piece of turtle bone found
After more than 160 years of separation, two fossil fragments of an ancient sea turtle relative’s humerus, or upper arm bone, were reunited at the…
Apr. 4, 2014
Sterling speaks on cannabis law
Eric Sterling, president and co-founder of the Criminal Justice Policy Foundation, came to speak at Drexel Law School March 24 about the complicated and contradictory…

Mar. 14, 2014
Storybook explains obesity to kids
Selena Lin, a full-time graduate student at Drexel University College of Medicine’s Department of Microbiology and Immunology, is well on her way to becoming a published…
Mar. 7, 2014
Prof. Trapped in Disque Elevator
Associate professor of chemistry Peter A. Wade became trapped in the left elevator of Disque Hall around 4 p.m. Feb. 23. Wade said that he…
Feb. 28, 2014
Study reveals the cause of eczema
Dr. Herbert B. Allen, a professor at the Drexel University College of Medicine and the chairman of the dermatology department, has reportedly discovered the cause…
Feb. 7, 2014
Academy offers class on how to draw dinosaurs
The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University held a dinosaur drawing class Feb. 1 titled “Bringing Ancient Beasts to Life.” Paleoartist Jason Poole taught…