Articles by Guest Author
May. 12, 2023
Drexel Park becomes pilot site for organic land management
In April 2023, Drexel University began a pilot program for organic land management at Drexel Park. The site will be the first turf space on…

Mar. 10, 2023
Drexel grounds focus on sustainability
By Sean Vanson and Kacy Gao Drexel Grounds Staff Chuck Fulmer using the New Battery-powered leaf blowers Another beautiful day at Drexel University. The sun…
Feb. 3, 2023
Drexel, protect the people’s townhomes!
Written by: Drexel Community for Justice and Drexel for PILOTs Since July 2021, residents of the People’s (UC) Townhomes have been fighting for their homes,…

Feb. 3, 2023
The rise of zombie companies in the U.S.
Zombie companies are firms that do not make enough revenue and have to borrow to stay alive. Cash flows for those companies go down due…

Jan. 20, 2023
Which Economic Misery Makes You More Miserable: Inflation or Unemployment?
Shawkat Hammoudeh, Ph.D. The 1970s were miserable, partly because of both high inflation and high unemployment. That period is known as the “stagflation decade.” The…

Jan. 20, 2023
Escape from the Digital World
By Jonathan Liss With the digital age lurching ahead at breakneck speed, I thought this would be a good opportunity to look backward a bit.…
Nov. 18, 2022
More Honey, Less Vinegar: The New U.S. Policy Toward the Environment
The United Nations Climate Change Conference, commonly referred to as COP27, convened November 8th in Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt. Among other things, this conference aims…
Oct. 14, 2022
The Philips Curve and Complexity of Monetary Policy
The Phillips curve was developed by the British economist A. W. Phillips in the 1940’s. It states that there is an inverse and stable relation…

Aug. 26, 2022
Is The U.S. Economy in a Recession?
The U.S. economy is in a recession according to economics textbooks, but economists and policymakers differ in naming it. The Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Balanced Budget Act of…