Articles by Justin Roczniak
Mar. 13, 2015
The true cost of The Summit
No tuition dollars were used to create The Summit, the new “not-a-residence-hall-but-kinda-a-residence-hall” at Drexel University. The new residence hall comes entirely for free, financially speaking,…
Mar. 6, 2015
From the Editor’s Desk | Some concepts are too basic for college
I was in an unspecified 400-level engineering course March 5, drifting off to sleep and hoping desperately the school would cancel classes in time for…
Feb. 27, 2015
From the Editor’s Desk | The falsity of the ‘academic career’
I want to talk about the phrase “academic career” today. It’s counterproductive and dishonest. It should be removed from the English language, and the phrase…
Feb. 20, 2015
The hazards of Curtis 231
There a lot of lecture halls at Drexel, and the vast majority are sub-par. Disque 108 has less legroom than United Economy. Bossone Auditorium has…

Feb. 13, 2015
From the Editor’s Desk | Woes of financial holds
On Feb. 5, I was placed on a financial hold owing to some funny business with my billing which I don’t fully understand. I was…

Feb. 5, 2015
Sly Fox Pikeland Pils provides a crisp, clean tasting pilsner
I go to University City Beverage about once a week, and my routine is about the same every time. I look around for five minutes…

Dec. 5, 2014
A Word from the Editor-in-Chief
The following editorial was written at the absolute last second by the Editor-in-Chief. This editorial exists primarily to fill space, and should be considered satire,…

Sep. 19, 2014
Welcome to Drexel, Philadelphia and UCity
Already fall is upon us. As the editor-in-chief of The Triangle for the fall and winter terms, I would like to welcome professors, staff, and…

Aug. 20, 2014
Abita Brewing Co. offers alternative to Newcastle
New Orleans is typically framed as a city of massive inequality, inadequate natural disaster preparedness, deep-seated institutional racism, obesity and low property values. Generally, a…
Jul. 25, 2014
Weyerbacher Brewing Co. makes a hearty barleywine
The most recent trend in craft brewing is the so-called “session” beer. These are beers you can kick back four or five of in an…