Articles by Matthew.Hartshorne
May. 3, 2013
Liopard Oir Farmhouse Ale lacks complex flavor
One of my favorite warm-weather styles is the saison, which I have been missing the past few months. So in honor of the return of…
Apr. 26, 2013
Bourbon barrels lend malty vanilla notes to Heresy beer
Last week I wrote about Weyerbacher’s Insanity, a barrel aged barleywine. Well, this week I couldn’t resist cracking open Heresy, the bourbon barrel-aged version of…
Apr. 19, 2013
Insanity lacks hop flavor
There are a few beers that I keep my eye out for, and this week I ran across two of them, Weyerbacher Brewing Co.’s Insanity…
Apr. 11, 2013
Cidery notes in Tripel brew
This week has been rather warm, so I decided to crack open a lighter beer. I’ve been doing a lot of IPAs, so I went…
Apr. 5, 2013
Oaky taste and cherry notes follow Devil’s Cut
American whiskey has been undergoing a bit of a renaissance of late, with many microdistilleries popping up to meet the demand for craft liquor. The…
Mar. 15, 2013
Imperial India contains sweet taste, piny aroma
As the weather has warmed up, I have begun to crave some more hops. I love barleywines, especially during the winter, but I’ve been suffering…
Mar. 8, 2013
Sierra Nevada Torpedo offers malty sweetness
The beer I selected for this week is a favorite of mine from the old, dependable Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. Sierra Nevada was founded in…
Mar. 1, 2013
Goose Island’s Sofie gives off malty sweetness taste
This week I tried a beer recommended to me by the proprietor of Mad Greek’s Pizza, which happens to stock a solid selection of single…
Feb. 15, 2013
Old Grand-Dad boasts overpowering flavors
This week I am reviving a long-dormant section of my column: the liquor review. I love American whiskeys, and I try to review things that…
Feb. 8, 2013
Bombardier resembles a Belgian beer with lacing
This week I’m finishing up a series on English beers. So far I have tried three barleywines and a nice special bitter to break up…