Articles by Matthew.Hartshorne
Feb. 1, 2013
Victory’s Oak Horizontal provides excellent flavor
Victory Brewing Co. was started by Ron Barchet and Bill Covaleski in 1996. The brewery itself is located in an old Pepperidge Farm factory, and…
Jan. 25, 2013
Samuel Smith’s organic ale an excellent choice
I’ve been reviewing barleywines the past few weeks, and I’ve got another one queued up for next week, but I decided to take a break…
Jan. 18, 2013
Weyerbacher’s ‘Idiot’ features cherry note
Last week I mentioned that barleywines are good candidates for aging. What I failed to mention is that I actually have a beer-aging operation in…
Jan. 11, 2013
Stone’s Old Guardian ale improves with age
This week I’m starting a new series for the new calendar year: English Beers. For my New Year’s Eve party I picked up three barleywines,…
Dec. 7, 2012
Chocolate stout surprises with raspberry flavoring
One of the more recent trends in brewing has been to use a wider variety of ingredients, especially compared to beers produced early in the…
Nov. 16, 2012
Sweet and tart hard cider not for the faint of heart
One of the hidden gems of the alcoholic beverage industry is hard cider. The massive increase in regulation following Prohibition, combined with the lager wars…
Nov. 9, 2012
Whiskey cask-aged ale has notes of lemon, pine
This week I tasted the second beer in a series I’m doing: Innis & Gunn’s Highland Cask. This beer is a Scotch ale, which is…
Nov. 2, 2012
Dark chocolate and coffee combine for breakfast stout
This week I finally got a beer I’ve been anticipating for months. I stopped at Beer Heaven on Columbus Boulevard, and while prowling the cases…
Oct. 26, 2012
Scotch ale mixes vanilla, heather and citrus notes
This week I picked a beer I’ve been hearing about for a long time: Innis and Gunn’s Original. This beer is a scotch ale, which…
Oct. 19, 2012
Heavy Flemish Ale blends both sweet and sour flavors
Most beers are brewed using a strain of the Saccharomyces genus of yeast, which has been selected over time to provide a specific flavor profile.…