Articles by Matthew.Hartshorne
May. 25, 2012
Northern England ale has strong, malty taste
The beers of Great Britain cover a vast range of styles, from the mild to the IPA, the Russian imperial stout to the ordinary bitter.…
May. 18, 2012
Mongo Double IPA is the biggest, baddest
Most people prefer fairly balanced beers. The combination of malt and hops provides a fairly complex taste, balancing sweetness from the malt with bitterness from…
May. 11, 2012
Double Bastard beer is an acquired taste
I keep my eye out for interesting beers from around the country, and this week I finally broke down and picked up a beer that…
May. 4, 2012
Classic martinis with a modern twist shake, and stir, things up
The martini is a famous cocktail, and it seems that everyone has a different opinion about it. The history of this drink is murky at…
Apr. 27, 2012
Sweet and sour flavored beer offers unique taste
The vast majority of people are perfectly happy with lagers and, to a lesser extent, ales, and consequently never bother tasting anything else. I find…
Apr. 20, 2012
St. Bernardus beer has dark coloring, malt taste
Although most people have been rejoicing at the early arrival of the summer weather, I have been in denial. While, like most graduate students, I…
Apr. 13, 2012
Hard cider offers a unique combo of apples and pears
Cider is often overlooked as an alcoholic drink, but it is deeply rooted in American history. The most famous example of this is John Chapman,…
Apr. 6, 2012
Chilling and grilling with Saison Dupont beverage
The warm weather of the past few weeks has finally hammered through my thick head that winter can’t last forever. I personally love winter, but…
Mar. 16, 2012
End of History-style brew bottles taxidermy rodents
The beer that I picked up this week is from a brewery that has a reputation for brewing odd and extreme beers. The American champion…
Mar. 9, 2012
Abbey-style ale offers a smooth, honeylike taste
Inthe smallvillageof Buggenhout, Belgium,thereis a brewery called Bosteels Brewery. This brewery has beeninthe hands of the Bosteels family for seven generations andover200 years. The brewery…