Articles by Michaela Graf
May. 7, 2021
Debt or Drop Out
It is evident that the universities in this country are simply not designed for low-income students. The students with the most debt in America are…
Mar. 13, 2021
Editor’s Favorite: Online Access Only
As I am sure all of you know, our beloved newspaper has been publishing online since the beginning of COVID-19 in order to keep our…
Mar. 13, 2021
Drexel’s party pandemic
COVID-19 undoubtedly changed things. The world and idea of normalcy is drastically different for countless individuals, families and students across the globe. Remote learning, social…
Feb. 28, 2021
The Uncomfortable and the Necessary
Contrary to popular belief, our system is not broken. It is functioning exactly how it is supposed to, which many Americans fail to realize due…
Feb. 5, 2021
Congratulations, Madam Vice President
It has nothing, yet everything, to do with politics this time. The Democratic party has officially elected and sworn in a female vice president. The…
Nov. 6, 2020
A Threat: Amy Coney Barrett
Religion has no place in politics — it says so in the law itself. However, with the way society and politicians have behaved it does…
Oct. 31, 2020
We Need To Recognize Abusive Relationships in Young Adults
Dating violence is a pressing and serious issue that not enough young adults and teenagers are talking about — but they should be. October is…
Oct. 23, 2020
A Catcalling Catastrophe
“You should smile more.” “You’re beautiful.” “What’s your name?” “I’m talking to you.” News flash — it’s none of your business. I would just like…
Aug. 21, 2020
What it means to be a feminist in 2020
With the recent conversations in the media and circulating accusations against multiple prominent political leaders of the United States for rape and sexual assault, it…
Jul. 24, 2020
Sexual assault shortcomings at Drexel
At an institution that so often promotes the inclusion and safety of all students, the realities that students face contradict those alleged values. Sexual assault…