Articles by Op-Ed
Jun. 26, 2015
When you feel like you’re stuck, just keep swimming
Watching someone enter the corporate life is like watching a toddler jump into the big kid pool for the first time without water wings. You…

Oct. 24, 2014
Letter to the Editor – Campus transformation
Dear Editor: My colleague and friend Robert Zaller, whose observations are always of interest, seems to have gotten it wrong with respect to the newly designed…

Dec. 6, 2013
Moo Over This | Vitamins for vegetarians
Vegetarians, especially vegans, are often questioned about nutrition deficiency. This can be valid concern based on a vegetarian’s dietary choices, as one could theoretically just…
Dec. 6, 2013
Thanksgiving erosion
On its 150th anniversary, Thanksgiving doesn’t look like what it used to. While the feast has been attributed to the Puritans’ celebration in 1621, the…
Dec. 6, 2013
Intellectual property rights unknown to students
“IP? Internet Protocol?” “What’s ‘IP’ stand for? International policy?” Shockingly, those were the two most common responses that I received from Drexel students when asking…

Nov. 27, 2013
Korean unification made impossible by inadequate infrastructure
For decades, the ultimate diplomatic goal of South Korea and North Korea has been reunification. Both countries assume that if they reunify, the economic, social…
Nov. 22, 2013
Made in Pennsylvania
As the leaders of Pennsylvania research universities, we represent institutions that are large and small; private and public; urban and rural; ivy and land grant.…
Nov. 22, 2013
Morals for sale in Washington
This past week, Liz Cheney created something of a stir by stating her support for the traditional definition of marriage on Fox News. As a…

Nov. 20, 2013
Israel’s security key to a stable Middle East
On Oct. 29, Israel released 26 Palestinian prisoners: 21 to the West Bank and five to the Gaza Strip. The release is the second of…
Nov. 15, 2013
Moo Over This | Dining with vegetarians
I have gone to plenty of not-vegetarian-friendly restaurants with many nonvegetarian friends. Although it may seem to present itself as a dilemma, eating out with…