Articles by Robert Zaller
Oct. 6, 2023
Why the Republican Party belongs to Trump
As an organization of national governance in a democratic society, the Republican Party no longer exists. As a cabal determined to dominate government at all…
Jul. 28, 2023
Re-forming the US Supreme Court, do we need it?
The deadliest day in the American political calendar is June 30, when the Supreme Court dumps the last of its decisions for the judicial year…

Jun. 9, 2023
Donald Trump, the Deplorables, and democracy
Note: A previous version of this article contained a typo made by the editor incorrectly citing Richard Nixon’s share of the 1968 popular vote as…

May. 12, 2023
All elections, all the time
The one good thing about 2023 is that it is not 2024. Philadelphia is about to have its Democratic mayoral primary. That is tantamount to the…

May. 5, 2023
Capitalism catastrophe and the coming of the Anthropocene
It’s a good thing the universe is so big (and probably a lot bigger than we know), because it is so full of violent action,…

May. 5, 2023
Destroying public higher education in Florida
When the nature of Donald Trump’s war on democracy had become clear, the full catastrophe of the 2016 election was evident: a political party in…
Feb. 3, 2023
Hello ChatGPT, goodbye education
Cheating is as old as the story of Jacob and Esau (Genesis 25). It is also as old as the university. Therefore, there’s certainly nothing…

Jan. 20, 2023
When Good Men Remain Silent
When good men remain silent, the proverb says, evil may triumph. Few recent examples illustrate this more poignantly than the foot-dragging passivity of Attorney General…

Nov. 18, 2022
Democracy Gets a Reprieve
The votes are still out in the 2022 midterm elections, partly a result of the patchquilt system of 50 states, each with its own rules…
Nov. 4, 2022
Democracy Is On The Ballot
What may well be the most important political election of our lifetimes is on the ballot this week. The principal subject isn’t inflation or the…