Articles by Roger McCain
Oct. 18, 2013
Our future funding woes
Authoritative reports say that over the next few years, Drexel will adopt responsibility center management, or RCM. This is one of several models for university…
Oct. 4, 2013
Most “libertarians” are confused
Gore Vidal (1925-2012) once remarked that the so-called “libertarians” of the right wing are not libertarian at all but should be called “propertarians.” He had…
Feb. 15, 2013
Hung, drawn, and quartered
I wrote to the Triangle two years ago in favor of a transition from a quarter system to trimesters. I’d like to think the current…
Jan. 11, 2013
Corporations, Persons, and Penn State University
Bill Moyers once said, “I’ll believe corporations are people when Texas executes one.” Is a corporation a person? That’s not an easy question to answer…
Nov. 16, 2012
Paying off the national debt
Now that the elections are over, it is time to think about the federal debt. Most Americans seem to agree that our large federal debt…
Oct. 26, 2012
Letter to the Editor – Electoral College
In the year 2000, we recall that George W. Bush won the presidential election in the Electoral College, although Al Gore had a majority of…
Mar. 9, 2012
Occupy Wall Street’s next steps
Roger McCain The Occupy Wall Street movement that emerged in the summer and fall of last year was a creative new development in American…
Jan. 27, 2012
Voting: A time to be optimistic
Roger McCain Often we have to make decisions without knowing for certain what the results will be. Deciding for whom to vote, or whom…