Articles by Shawkat Hammoudeh
Aug. 21, 2015
Plot twist, China devalues currency in economic strategy
China recently devalued its yuan by about 1.9 percent, marking the largest drop in two decades. The devaluation came as a surprise to many markets…

May. 8, 2015
Oil prices: spot versus futures market
As a long-time oil economics researcher, I have spent more than a quarter century doing research on oil markets. Most of my research considered the…

Apr. 24, 2015
Future of Euro looks bleak as it continues to depreciate
An exchange rate is a ratio of two currencies whose movement primarily reflects changes in both countries that issue those currencies. In my international trade…

Mar. 13, 2015
Oil prices set to drop due to insufficient storage space
There is more than one reason to store oil as producers turn out more oil than the world demands, which is the case now. Stored…
Jan. 16, 2015
Nations rethink macroeconomic policies
It is difficult for countries to manage their macroeconomic policies to promote economic growth in today’s challenging global environment of slow growth, regardless whether the…

Jan. 9, 2015
Oil prices continue to plummet
Oil prices have plunged by more than 40 percent in the last six months and if they go below $60 a barrel, and they should,…

Dec. 4, 2014
Japan’s recession to hurt US exports
To the surprise of many, Japan has pushed itself into another bad recession in the last two quarters of this year. An economic recession is…

Nov. 21, 2014
OPEC to discuss production cuts
OPEC will have its incoming meeting Nov. 27. This is a considerably important meeting for oil prices, global economic growth and all motorists in the…

Nov. 14, 2014
Saudi Arabia takes on oil prices of US, Russia and Iran
To implement its oil market share stabilization policy, Saudi Arabia is launching a three-prong price war against the United States, Russia and Iran. With objectives…

Oct. 31, 2014
Saudi Arabia attempts to undercut Russian oil
Oil prices collapsed in 1985 after the Saudis could not continue to perform the role of swing producer, which considerably squeezed their oil productions and…