Articles by Zaryab Ahmed
Sep. 18, 2024
Guide to Drexel’s online resources
Need to find your course materials? Need to register for classes? Need to (despite how much it makes you gag) look at your university bill?…

Jun. 7, 2024
International students face unique mental health challenges
College life is challenging for any student, but for international students, the journey is filled with additional, often unseen, challenges. In the 2022-2023 academic year…

May. 19, 2024
Gaza Solidarity Encampment set up at Korman Quad
An encampment in solidarity with Palestine was established at Drexel University’s Korman Quad late Saturday afternoon. This comes a day after an attempted occupation of…

Mar. 1, 2024
Recycle your electronics during Race to Zero Waste
For the months of February and March, Drexel University is participating in the Campus Race to Zero Waste TM, a recycling competition aiming to “inspire,…

Mar. 1, 2024
TechServ expands global computer donations
Drexel University TechServ, a student organization dedicated to “helping bridge the digital divide in Philadelphia communities,” has recently expanded that mission to Liberia. Last Friday,…

Mar. 1, 2024
Social media is the modern fourth estate — treat it as such
The nobility, the clergy and the common people — the bane of my 8th grade history class and the first three estates of medieval and…

Nov. 3, 2023
University City students walk out in solidarity with Palestine
Students from Drexel University and the University of Pennsylvania walked out of class at noon on Oct. 25 to gather at the Dragon Statue in…

Oct. 20, 2023
Vigil for Palestinians held at University of Pennsylvania
Members of the University of Pennsylvania, Drexel University and neighboring communities gathered in front of the Van Pelt Library on Wednesday, Oct. 18, at 12…

Jul. 28, 2023
DegreeWorks’ new interface
Drexel’s Office of Inter-College Advising announced on July 17 that DegreeWorks had been updated with a new interface. DegreeWorks is the online portal that students…
Jul. 28, 2023
How your phone can actually last a decade
If you have ever broken a phone screen, had a bad battery, ruined your microphone or snapped a key off a laptop keyboard, you know…