Are these our Mayoral Candidates?   | The Triangle

Are these our Mayoral Candidates?  

May. 12, 2023

Eyebrow Raisers for some of the Mayoral Candidates

Cherelle Parker: The rousing motivational speaker with a sharp sense of humor
Eyebrow raiser: She represents Longwood Gardens and Moore Art College but will resign if elected.
Why are you resigning, Cherelle? Don’t you care about Longwood Gardens and Moore Art College? 

Jimmy Deleon: The No shenanigans, let’s follow the law candidate
Eyebrow raiser: He was found guilty of issuing a “Stay Away Order” on behalf of a friend.
Who needed to stay away, Jimmy? And why?  

Rebecca Rhynhart: Reddit’s favorite person
Eyebrow raiser: Her most prominent endorser, Former Mayor John Street, was listed on her payroll
Why do you need to pay people to endorse you, Rebecca? Is he only supporting you for the money?  

Delscia Gray: The mystery
Eyebrow raiser: Not much is known about her 
Where are you hiding Delscia? We want to get to know you. 

Amen Brown: Steve Urkle’s number one fan
Eyebrow raiser: Philadelphia sued him and his business partner for unpaid taxes
It’s kinda embarrassing when the city you are hoping to run, does not seem to be on your side. Hey, at least the city is not *that* corrupt.