
The best of the worst Billboard hits of 2023
Billboard’s Year End charts were shared following their Billboard Music Awards show on Nov. 19, which includes their list of the 100 most successful hits…
9 months ago • By
“Navigating the Game: Exploring the Impact of Video Games on Mental Health”
Video games have continued to grow in popularity since the invention of gaming consoles in the 1970s. For context, the television was invented in 1927.…
9 months ago • By
An introduction to The Taylor Jenkins Reid book universe
If you have TikTok or Instagram, odds are you have heard of “The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo” by Taylor Jenkins Reid. Originally released in…
9 months ago • By
Creative outlets and mental health perspectives in Arts and Entertainment education
College, branded as a time for education but also self-discovery and freedom, can become damaging without the proper tools for success. A poll taken by…
9 months ago • By , and
Dec. 8, 2023
Dec. 8, 2023

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