Season 24 of ‘The Bachelor’ promises a wild ride for Peter | The Triangle
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Season 24 of ‘The Bachelor’ promises a wild ride for Peter

Jan. 10, 2020

Peter the Pilot is this season’s Bachelor, and for such a regular dude, his premiere episode was insanely dramatic. “The Bachelor” kicked off its 24th season with several firsts. The first time no one exited the limo in an animal onesie, the first time dates aired on the premiere and the first time the bachelor asked the previous bachelorette to return to the house. Just wait, it gets better.

There were no standouts during the limo entrances; usually there are at least one or two women that just scream “future wife.” Also, there were no standout villains! Hannah Ann did interrupt girls three consecutive times, but when she was confronted about it, she (seemingly) apologized sincerely and there was — shocker — no drama that came from it.

One of the standouts from the night, Kelley (an attorney from Chicago), has a history with Pilot Pete. They had a random run-in at a hotel a month before shooting. Kelley said that she had been looking for a “sign,” and when she crossed paths with Peter in real life, she decided to commit to the show.

The five or six women that did not make it through the first ceremony will forever be unnamed. They were refused their thirty seconds of fame with the crying session that usually happens outside the mansion right as the sun starts to rise, where they lament the jobs they quit to come on the show.

However, by cutting this “cry-sesh,” ABC was able to include the first week’s dates in the first episode. They only did this because a lot of Bachelor Nation decides to skip the premiere episode each season, because there is never enough drama and it is very hard to follow all of the different women.

For the first group date, Peter took the ladies to flight school. Kelley won the obstacle course and got to be his copilot on a brief flight around Los Angeles. She cheated to win, so many of the women were in tears as they took off on their flight.

The first group date concluded at the very hotel that Kelley and Peter had met at the month prior to shooting. What are the odds? They had a moment in the lobby where they reenacted their first meeting, and it seemed like there was more to their night than just simply introductions. Once again, the rest of the women were upset when she got the group date rose because Kelley had a clear advantage over them.

Madison the 5-foot-5-inch basketball Star was Peter’s pick for the one-on-one date. For the third season in a row, the first one-on-one involved meeting the Bachelor’s family. Peter’s parents were renewing their vows for their 30th wedding anniversary in a ceremony in their backyard, and Peter was the officiant. Peter’s entire extended family was there in attendance, and Madison, whom he had just met, sat awkwardly in the front row.

The night’s last group date had a very special surprise guest: last season’s bachelorette, Miss Alabama Hannah. Hannah Brown asked the girls to prepare a personal story about sex to present to an audience later that day. After all, Hannah was very open with the public about the fact that her and Peter did it (four times!) in a windmill during their fantasy suite date.

The episode did not end with a rose ceremony, instead it ended with Hannah Brown in tears and Peter the Pilot asking her to join the other women in the house. Peter was the third-to-last man sent home on Hannah’s season. Let’s just say that it did not work out with the guy she chose to be her fiance. Plus, when it didn’t work out, Hannah asked the runner-up out on last season’s After the Final Rose. Peter revealed Monday night’s episode that he was waiting for Hannah to come back to him, and he was heartbroken when she asked Tyler out instead of him.

Both Hannah and Peter were in tears, and they were both very confused. Who knows, maybe the show will end next week, and the two of them will run away together. Realistically, it is time for Peter (and Hannah) to move on.

Peter is going to be an interesting Bachelor. He has already been more transparent than most other Bachelors, and he is probably going to get into some heat for the way he shows affection to any and all of the women. Kelley, Madison and Hannah Ann are the major standouts from the night, and they will probably make it very far. Victoria P. and McKenna are women to watch too, but they are blonde, and it is clear that Peter likes brunettes.

This season has lots of the expected turbulence, but it is going to be quite the ride.