‘Below Deck’ spin-off sets off for smooth sailing | The Triangle
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‘Below Deck’ spin-off sets off for smooth sailing

Feb. 28, 2020

“Below Deck” may have just ended its seventh season, but things are just getting started with the newest iteration of the series — “Below Deck: Sailing Yacht.”

Fans and newcomers are introduced to a pretty new crew as they sail the waters of Corfu, Greece. This season is sure to be full of drama and stress as sailing brings its own difficulties. Imagine cooking a gourmet meal for needy charter guests while sailing and the yacht has leaned harshly to the left? Yep, it’s going to be a great first season.

Let’s meet the crew: Captain Glenn, Engineer Byron, Chief Stew Jenna, Chef Adam (who was a Chef on Below Deck: Mediterranean, First Mate Paget, deckhand Ciara (Paget’s girlfriend of four years) , deckhand Parker, second stew Madison and third stew Georgia.

If it isn’t strange enough to have to deal with two crew members who are in a long term relationship with each other, it will be interesting to see who hooks up during this season.

The first charter was off to an interesting start as the yacht lacked basic utensils and a sail came out of the track, which forced Captain Glenn to get involved and fix it himself in front of the charter guests. Also, the crew witnessed a domestic dispute between two charter guests who were supposed to be getting married while aboard the yacht, sadly they called it off. Nonetheless, the crew made it through and were given a generous tip, so no complaints there.

After the first charter, fans see the crew let loose as they head out into Greece to celebrate time off and the night took an interesting turn.

The entire crew goes out and enjoys a lovely dinner, and we see Paget and Georgia engaging in some flirting even though Ciara is directly across the table. Fast forward back to the boat where Georgia, Adam, Jenna, Parker and Paget are enjoying the hot tub and the musical stylings of Parker on the ukulele with Georgia and Paget on vocals.

Jenna drank way too much wine and threw herself at Adam who was not willing to take the bait. What was worse than her being denied? Jenna waking up the next morning and forgetting her embarrassing behavior.

Adam made it clear he did not want to engage in any promiscuous behavior with Jenna as he is more concerned with the effects it will have on their work relationship. Smart move, Adam. The crew definitely did not miss the awkwardness between an intoxicated Jenna and a hesitant Adam.

Any fan of the “Below Deck” series is always waiting for Chief Stew to have drama amongst her subordinates and Jenna is not one to disappoint. She has already created drama between her newest stew, Georgia, and Adam before the first charter was hardly over. It seems Jenna’s loyalty is more with Adam than it is with her own stews and she is not worried about their feelings.

As the crew gear up for their second charter of the season, an interesting charter guest climbs aboard the yacht, a one-month-old baby. Yeah, read that again. A one-month-old baby is about to set sail, and the crew is rightfully nervous.

“Below Deck: Sailing Yacht” is off to a smooth start with a few whitecaps of drama, but it’s too soon to tell which way this season is going to go. Will Adam and Jenna actually get together, or will fans see a breakup between Paget and Ciara who have been having issues separating their work and personal relationship?