Dear Granny & Eloise | The Triangle
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Dear Granny & Eloise

Feb. 22, 2013

Dear Granny and Eloise,

I chronically procrastinate. What can I do?


Lazier Than You



Dear Lazier Than You,

Don’t procrastinate. Is it really that hard? What do you have to do? Write a paper? Study for an exam? Surely, you had the date well in advance. There’s a magic word that will solve all your problems: plan. First, set your goals and be aware of your deadlines. Maybe planners don’t work for you, but you could try a Post-It note or the calendar on your fancy calling device. One way or another, if you want to achieve your goal and be proactive, you can.




Dear Lazier Than You,

Procrastination sometimes seems like a disease, but in reality it’s just a habit. Instead of making appointments with doctors or complaining about how much you have to work, you should just get all of the work over with. Imagine how many episodes of “Community” or “Downton Abbey” you would get to enjoy after everything is finished. In addition, you can also create some sort of mechanism where you shock yourself every time you think about not doing your work. However, I’m not quite sure if that is something that should be attempted at home. Just give yourself a high-five or tell Siri to congratulate you every time you cross something off your imaginary to-do list. Make deadlines for everything — and remember, “someday” isn’t a day of the week.





Dear Granny and Eloise,

I’m really stressed because my uncle won’t let me have any of the money from my trust fund, so I haven’t been able to pay for any of my schooling yet. I don’t have any credit, and my parents don’t have good credit, so I can’t get student loans. The only solution seems to be just accepting the verbal abuse from my uncle and completely sucking up to him, even though he’s never been anything but abusive to me and my mom, But if I do that, I become depressed.

What do you think?


Under Pressure


Dear Under Pressure,

The situation you’re in is very difficult, and I know it probably feels like you’re trapped right now. I would try to evaluate why your uncle won’t respond to you. If he has no legitimate reasoning and you are entitled to the money in your fund, you may want to make it a legal issue. There is no sense tearing a family apart if you can avoid it, but your education is critical to your future development. If he doesn’t care about that, then he should face the consequences.




Dear Under Pressure,

This sounds like every other episode of “Days of our Lives” or “Gossip Girl,” which may rest in peace. Therefore I suggest learning more about the underdeveloped characters in these shows to find a logical solution. Some ideas include, but are not limited to: faking someone’s death, getting intoxicated and standing near ledges, discovering a twin sister, or eating a lot of macaroons. On a serious note, I think you should have a serious talk with your uncle and both of your parents in order to try to achieve some sort of compromise. Although I cannot solve all of your problems, I can give you some suggestions on how to relieve stress. You could try exercise — especially yoga — or have vent sessions with your friends. Having someone to talk to and to rely on always helps. Take a deep breath and avoid listening to “Under Pressure” by Queen.


