Lucy Dacus’ show at Franklin Music Hall on Sept. 29 was an entertaining experience. This was the first show of the tour and it made the performance that much more special. Dacus’ live performance reached the same level of talent displayed in her records.
This show was a rescheduled date from the original concert that got rained out at the Mann Center. The rain reportedly ruined a lot of the band’s equipment.
Before Dacus took the stage, a band called Crooks and Nannies opened the set. Their stage presence was alluring and the overall sentiment was lighthearted and fun. The lead singers’ vocals were unique. Additionally, I really enjoyed that the drummer sang a few songs. I liked Crooks and Nannies so much that I made my way back to the merch table on my way out because I just had to have a t-shirt.
I have added Crooks and Nannies to my playlist and I highly recommend checking them out. With less than 1000 Instagram followers (underrated in my opinion), they are an up-and-coming act to look out for — yet you wouldn’t know that based on how comfortable they are performing and how good their discography is.
Dacus took to the stage after what felt like a very long intermission. One thing that built excitement and had the crowd “awwing” over and over was a projected compilation of home video clips that played repeatedly until the band was ready to perform. These were wholesome clips of Dacus from her as a newborn all the way until what looked like a few years ago. It was a nice way to start the show and added to the theme of her album “Home Video.”
That being said, most of the songs she played were from her newest album, as was expected. However she did play some unexpected songs and even took two requests from the crowd which I thought was very thoughtful.
There were many memorable moments throughout the night. “Addictions” obviously led to super high energy from the crowd because of its popularity and it was super fun. It was easy to hear everyone scream-singing along which is always a highlight.
Some of my favorite songs were played: such as “VBS,” “Yours and Mine” and “Brando,” which I thoroughly enjoyed for obvious reasons. Next, Dacus played “Thumbs,” which threw everyone into an emotional wreck, but she picked us all back up when she did a cutesy sing a long session to “Going, Going, Gone.” It was a nice breather after emotions were running high.
The next song I did not expect at all, but it made me so happy. I think I actually jumped up and down and squealed once I realized what it was. Dacus played one of my all time favorite songs “I Don’t Want to Be Funny Anymore” and I loved every single second of it.
Towards the end of the show Dacus asked the crowd “Is anyone here gay?” and a majority of the crowd’s hand shot in the air (myself included of course). She followed up by saying “I asked that same question in Europe and almost no one raised their hands and I was wondering where all they gays were…I guess they were all in Philly.”
She continued by playing “Kissing Lessons” where all the gay fans sang their hearts out. It was an experience unlike any other. The music video to the song was projected above her as well which only added to the ambiance.
Finally, Dacus played the song we were all waiting for “Night Shift.” I cannot physically put into words how amazing this was. The crowd danced, jumped and screamed. It had such high energy even though the song is tragic. Dacus had announced it was the last song and she walked off stage.
She didn’t trick anyone as we all knew she’d be back for an encore. She came back out for two more songs. The first one was a cover of “Home Again,” originally by Carole King.
Towards the end of the concert Dacus played an unreleased song. She asked everyone to not record and said “If you see anyone trying to record, then physical assault is allowed,” — jokingly, of course. It was an intimate moment between Dacus and the crowd. It allowed everyone to simply be present without distractions. The song was also incredible and might even be my favorite Lucy Dacus song. I can’t wait for its release.
I Don’t Wanna Be Funny Anymore
Home Again (Carole King cover)
Unreleased song