Movies to make you a more educated voter | The Triangle
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Movies to make you a more educated voter

Nov. 1, 2024
Photo by Kasey Shamis | The Triangle

In honor of the upcoming presidential election, here is a quick guide to some presidential or election-related movies. Some are serious, some are funny. Some are among the most critically-acclaimed films of all time and some are cartoons, which are also held in very high esteem. So, without further ado, here are all the films you should watch to prepare for election day:


Directed by Steven Spielberg and starring Daniel Day-Lewis as Abraham Lincoln, the 2012 film is a perfect combination of one of the greatest directors and greatest actors of the last few decades. The duo did not disappoint and created a film that has since become one of the defining pieces of art surrounding one of our nation’s most influential presidents. The film centers around Lincoln’s struggle to ratify the 13th Amendment and shows what he went through to make sure that changes were made in this country.


Another film that pairs up an incredible director (Adam McKay), with an extremely talented actor (Christian Bale), “Vice” and the team behind it are almost too good to fail. The film dives into the life of George W. Bush’s vice president, the controversial Dick Cheney. Through an amazing performance from Bale, we are able to see the inner workings of a damaged, yet very interesting character in Cheney and a deeper look into the already very intriguing Bush presidency.


This film has been ranked very highly on every list, therefore it is worth adding it here. The film has received amazing reviews and is a must-watch film about former President Richard Nixon and the controversy that followed him throughout the rest of his life. 

All the President’s Men”:

Another film surrounding Nixon that is not necessarily as focused on Nixon himself, but instead the reporters responsible for digging up the dirt on his Watergate scandal. The two main characters, Woodward and Bernstein, as they have affectionately been remembered, follow every trail they can find to get to the bottom of the case in front of them and try to uncover the real truth behind one of the biggest scandals in presidential history.


Although not exactly a “presidential” film, “Election” follows a high school presidential election with a lot more drama behind it than there should be. However, all this drama, led by a teacher (Matthew Broderick) trying to prevent a typical overachieving student (Reese Witherspoon), leads to a very compelling film that may seem like a typical high school comedy at the outset but is actually a very in-depth look at what it means to have integrity and to be passionate about something.

You’re Not Elected, Charlie Brown”:

Despite not being as popular as some of its counterparts, this installment in the Charlie Brown saga can more than hold its own against the big dogs of the Christmas, Halloween and Thanksgiving specials. Similar to “Election,” the film is based around a school election, in which Lucy and Charlie do their best to help Linus become student body president. Although it goes about doing this in a different way, the movie shows how important it is to have integrity and do the right thing, as well as be yourself in any situation you may find yourself in. This is the film to choose if you need help winding down from the chaos of the election cycle. 

Make sure to check these films out before Election Day on Tuesday, Nov. 5, and more importantly, make sure to vote!