Things to do while the world feels like it’s falling apart | The Triangle
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Things to do while the world feels like it’s falling apart

May. 1, 2020

It may be fair to say that no one is thriving right now, but while you practice social distancing, here are some things to fill the time — heaven knows we’ve got a lot of it.

Download TikTok.

It’s time to finally cave. It’s okay, no one is going to hold it against you. Being stuck at home with family members getting on your last nerve is hard, and you’re running out of mediocre hobbies. No one’s making you learn the Renegade dance, but you might find something on there that is at least a little bit funny

Do your homework.

If you’re anything like me, some of these long-term projects (like midterms) have not been on the forefront of the to-do list.

Go for a walk.

There are many benefits to regularly going on walks and reminding ourselves what nature looks like, getting a change of scenery among them.

Sew your own mask.

There are plenty of ways to create a makeshift mask out of bandanas, hair ties or scarves as seen here, but what’s a better time to master those sewing skills?

Do something that makes you happy.

If baking is your thing, and it’s been ages since you made a cake, go for it. Feeling nostalgic? Flip through some old photo albums from the good ole days of leaving the house on a regular basis. What’s holding you back? You don’t have to take the time to master a new language or knit your grandma a sweater, but find time to do something that makes you smile.

Create a Zoom call with no academic obligations.

Sorry FaceTime, Zoom has a share screen feature that we just can’t pass up. If you’re willing to spend some more time on a laptop screen but crave human interaction (who doesn’t at this point?), Zoom is a great way to connect. From far-away family members to ghosts of roommates past, why not take the time to reach out to the people you care about?

Binge a show.

Whether it’s “Tiger King,” “Outer Banks,” “Killing Eve” or “Mrs. America,” streaming services are here for us when we need them most.

Rearrange something.

In a time where we feel incredibly confined to one space, it can be helpful to try to control what little we have. Whether that means moving a desk from one side of the room to the other or completely redoing your bedroom, take control.

Try some new stretches.

While it can be hard to do a full cardio workout in a limited-movement environment, something as simple as stretching can really help workflow and is good for your body.

Consider supporting local businesses.

From the fabulous world of online retailing to your favorite local shops, many businesses are providing online services or take-out options.