24 Hours of Impact back for second year | The Triangle

24 Hours of Impact back for second year

May. 19, 2017
Photograph courtesy of the Office of Institutional Advancement
Photograph courtesy of the Office of Institutional Advancement

On May 24, Drexel University will hold its second Day of Giving, an online social campaign where students, faculty, alumni and other friends of the university are encouraged to donate money to be utilized throughout university endeavors.

The campaign, referred to as 24 Hours of Impact, brings the university together through a day of fundraising, associate director of digital marketing, Andi Bricklin, said.

“We want to build a culture of philanthropy,” she said. “And we’re doing it in a fun and easy way.”

Donors can choose from over 80 areas to donate to, including the various schools within Drexel, several student organizations, athletics and other special projects like EAT Cafe, study abroad or the Dornsife Center, she said.

They can choose which area to specifically allocate funds to when donating on the website, Drexel.edu/24.

“You are not giving to an open, endless hole that is Drexel,” Bricklin said. “You’ll know the impact your donation makes.”

Bricklin explained that the theme this year is a Drexel secret that has yet to be found. It fixates on a metaphorical time capsule buried by A.J. Drexel himself 125 years ago. Those who choose to donate become code-breakers and can unlock the code to view a video montage of Drexel’s vision for the university, explicitly showing the growth of the university and how donations and partnerships have changed the vision of Drexel.

Though students are already expending large sums towards their tuition, giving is still greatly encouraged, Elizabeth Miller, the associate director of Drexel Fund, said.

“Their experience here on campus is not solely based on tuition funds,” she said.

Miller added, “Tuition doesn’t cover the full gap of education at Drexel. Much of the gap is made up by support from individuals, alumni and friends of Drexel. … Many of the things that we experience at Drexel are the direct result of philanthropy.”

Any amount of money is appreciated, and Miller explained how every gift counts, no matter how small.

“A lot of people have a perception that a $5 gift or $10 gift doesn’t go anywhere, or have an impact, but the truth is very much the opposite. When lots of people come together, bringing gifts of all sizes, there is a collective impact,” she said.

Though it is an online campaign, there will be events throughout campus May 24.

“We want to bring the fun and the excitement of the day to campus for our students, faculty and staff, in a way that’s tangible and gives them the opportunity to really think of the impact,” Bricklin said.

There will be an event in the main building from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., at which there will be large banners where students can sign their name and explain what aspect of the Drexel experience had the greatest impact on them. Students and faculty can also make a gift in person at the event, though anyone is welcome to join, whether they make a donation or not.

“We still want all of our students thinking about the impact of philanthropy, whether they chose to donate or not,” Miller said.

There will also be bonus “money” hidden throughout campus locations, so when donors find it, that money will be added to their donation. Clues will be released through the Drexel Alumni Twitter handle.

Additionally, there are various challenges to compete in. Colleges and organizations that have the most donors can win additional money. The challenges are based on donor type and not dollar amount to encourage participation, Bricklin said.

Representatives from the student philanthropy organization will also be handing out boxes with codes on them all over campus. Students can then take their codes to the Main Building to see if they have won any prizes.

To bring the student perspective into the event, the campaign has partnered with the Campus Activities Board and utilized graphics designed by Drexel graphic design students. WKDU, Drexel’s student-run radio station, will also be broadcasting the event live.

Last year, the 24 Hours of Giving campaign raised $713,514 from 2,887 supporters. This year, their goal is to have 1,250 donors in a single day. However, beyond the number goal, Bricklin and Miller agreed that the overall goal is to raise awareness about the importance of giving.

Miller said, “It’s important to consider the experiences and opportunities that wouldn’t be made possible if not for giving.”

“It’s just a day of Drexel pride and fun,” Bricklin added.