Chipotle to open at The Summit | The Triangle

Chipotle to open at The Summit

Mar. 3, 2016

On the morning of March 3, 2016, The Summit at University City, an American Campus Communities property announced in a Facebook post that a Chipotle Mexican Grill restaurant will be opening in the building.

The post, published at 10:03 a.m., reads “It’s official – CHIPOTLE IS COMING TO THE SUMMIT! #‎ChipotleIsMyLife‬.” It was accompanied by a humorous YouTube clip of a young boy exclaiming his love for the popular Mexican food chain. Within the first three hours of posting, the Facebook update had already been “liked” over 35 times and “shared” by more than 25 readers.

Located at 3400 Lancaster Avenue, the apartment complex is directly across the street from the freshmen dormitories, and is only about three blocks from the center of Drexel’s campus, making it a popular new location for housing as well as dining.

The Summit has been open and housing residents since Aug. 2015, and is a popular housing location for upperclassmen at Drexel.

The Summit is currently home to both a Starbucks, located on the ground floor, and Drexel University’s newest dining center, The Urban Eatery.

The Triangle will update this article as more information about the new restaurant becomes available.