The following crimes occurred on or near campus and were reported to The Triangle by the Drexel University of Public Safety between Feb. 25 and March 13. All information included in this report is taken from law enforcement or Division of Public Safety incident reports.
Jan. 3, 3400 block of Lancaster Avenue
A Drexel student reported having been sexually assaulted by a non-Drexel affiliate who is known to the complainant.
March 13, 8:36 p.m. 3400 block of Lancaster Avenue
A non-Drexel affiliate reported an unknown male entered the complainant’s lunch truck, pointing a gun and demanding cash. The male fled on foot east on Lancaster Walk.
Feb. 25 to March 11, 3600 block of Lancaster Avenue
A non-Drexel affiliate reported that unknown person(s) entered the complainant’s apartment by force and took personal property.
March 7, 3200 block of Chestnut Street
A Drexel staff member reported having been verbally threatened by a Drexel student.
THEFT (12)
Feb. 23, 8 to 11:55 p.m. 3200 Arch Street
A non-Drexel affiliate reported that unknown person(s) took the complainant’s wallet containing cash and identification after it was left unattended on a bench.
Feb. 25, 6:45 to 7:30 p.m. 200 block of N. 34th Street
A Drexel student reported that unknown person(s) took the complainant’s iPhone that was left unattended in a common area.
Feb. 25 to 26, 3500 block of Hamilton Street
A Drexel student reported that unknown person(s) took the complainant’s vehicle that was parked and locked.
Feb. 27, 7:50 to 9:30 p.m. 3300 block of Market Street
A non-Drexel affiliate reported that unknown person(s) took the complainant’s locked and secured automobile.
Feb. 27, 8 to 11:55 p.m. 3200 block of Market Street
A Drexel staff member reported that unknown person(s) took a laptop computer that was left unattended in a common area.
March 1, 1400 block of Vine Street
A Drexel staff member reported unknown person(s) removed gift cards and SEPTA tokens from an unlocked desk drawer.
March 3, 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. 3300 block of Market Street
A Drexel student reported that unknown person(s) took the complainant’s MacBook and Armani glasses that were left in an unsecured locker.
March 4, 3 to 6 p.m. 3300 block of Spring Garden Street
A non-Drexel complainant reported that unknown person(s) took a packager that was left unattended on the complainant’s front porch by UPS.
March 6, 4:45 to 5 p.m. 200 block of N. Broad Street
A non-Drexel complainant reported that unknown person(s) took the complainant’s wallet that was left unattended on a chair in a common area.
March 8, 200 block of N. 15th Street
A non-Drexel complainant reported that took the complainant’s backpack that contained a cell phone, iPad and personal property that was left unattended in a common area.
March 10, 10 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. 3300 block of Market Street
A Drexel student reported that unknown person(s) took cash from the complainant’s wallet that was left in an unlocked locker.
March 10 to 13, 3200 block of Market Street
A Drexel student reported that unknown person(s) took a camera and an iPad that were left unsecured in a common room.
Feb. 27 to 28, 3300 Race Street
A Drexel staff member reported that unknown person(s) drew a swastika on a notepad that was left in a common area.
March 4, 200 block of N. 33rd Street
A non-Drexel complainant reported that unknown person(s) threw eggs onto the windshield of the complainant’s automobile from a property in the block.
March 5, 3400 block of Lancaster Avenue
A Drexel affiliate reported that a male resident removed a portrait from the wall and took it to another floor where the assailant damaged the portrait.
March 6, 200 block of N. 34th Street
A Drexel staff member reported having noticed that unknown person(s) had drawn a swastika on a wall in a common area.
During the period from Feb. 25 to March 13, there were nine (9) Policy Violations for Alcohol reported. Copies of the report were sent to the Office of Student Conduct for review.