Crime Report for Feb. 6 to Feb. 15 | The Triangle

Crime Report for Feb. 6 to Feb. 15

Feb. 18, 2016

The following crimes occurred on or near campus and were reported to The Triangle by the Drexel University Department of Public Safety between Feb. 6 to Feb. 15. All information included in this report is taken from law enforcement or Division of Public Safety incident reports.


Feb. 6, Unknown Location

A Drexel student reported that  while attending class in a study abroad program, she was sexually assaulted by a male known to her.


Feb. 9, 10:55 p.m., 300 N. 3t7th Street

Two Drexel students reported they were robbed at gunpoint by two unknown males. Taken were cash and credit cards. Offenders fled north on the 300 block N. 37th St. No injuries.

Feb. 10, 11:42 p.m. 3400 Powelton Avenue

Philadelphia Police arrested two males (Non Drexel) after they were observed by police assaulting and robbing a male Drexel student. The two males were arrested and the complainant’s property was recovered. The complainant was hospitalized for injuries that he sustained.


Feb. 8, 2 p.m. to 5 p.m., 100 N. 33rd Street

A Drexel student reported that unknown person(s) took her laptop after it was left unattended in an unsecured locker.

Feb. 8 to Feb. 9, 3100 Ludlow Street

A Drexel employee reported that unknown person(s) took a snow blower that was left unsecured in a common area.

Feb. 9 to Feb. 10, 3300 Race Street

A Drexel student reported that unknown person(s) entered her room, no sign of force and removed cash that was hidden in a suitcase.

Feb. 11, 12 a.m. to 11 p.m., 3400 Lancaster Avenue

A Drexel student reported that unknown person(s) took his backpack that contained his laptop computer after he left it unattended in a common area.


Feb. 13 to Feb. 15, 200 N. Natrona Street

A non-Drexel affiliate reported that unknown person/s entered his vehicle and damaged his dashboard, and ripped the radio from its housing, leaving it on the floor of the auto.

During the from Feb. 6 to Feb. 15, there were five (5) Policy Violations for Alcohol. The reports were sent to the Office of Student Conduct for review.