Crime Report for Jan. 4 to Jan. 24 | The Triangle
Crime & Policy Violations

Crime Report for Jan. 4 to Jan. 24

Feb. 3, 2017

The following crimes occurred on or near campus and were reported to The Triangle by the Drexel University Department of Public Safety between Jan. 4 to Jan. 24. All information included in this report is taken from law enforcement or Division of Public Safety incident reports.


Jan. 21, 4:20 a.m. 3000 block of Market Street

A Drexel student reported that, while waiting on the SEPTA platform, an unknown male assaulted the complainant,taking an iPhone, cash, and credit cards. The complainant received minor injuries.


Jan. 16, 12:27 p.m. 3000 block of Market Street

A non-Drexel affiliate reported having been struck in the back of the head with an unknown object while exiting the subway station.

THEFT (11)

Jan. 4 to 18, 3300 block of Market Street

A Drexel Staff member reported that unknown person(s) took two hard drives from two computers located in a common area.

Jan. 9, 300 block of N. 32nd Street

A non-Drexel affiliate reported that unknown person(s) took the registration plate from the rear of the complainant’s automobile.

Jan. 13 to 17, 3400 block of Lancaster Avenue

A Drexel student reported that unknown person(s) took the complainant’s bicycle that was secured to a bike rack with a cable lock.

Jan. 13 to 17, 3200 block of Arch Street

A Drexel staff member reported that unknown person(s) took a bench from the lobby area.

Jan. 15 to 24, 3300 Hamilton Street

A non-Drexel affiliate reported that unknown person(s) took a package that was left unattended on the porch of the complainant’s home.

Jan. 16, 3400 block of Hamilton Street

A Drexel staff member reported that unknown person(s) made unauthorized purchases using the complainant’s debit card account.

Jan. 17, 1 to 1:30 p.m. 3300 block of Market Street

A Drexel student reported that unknown person(s) took the complainant’s laptop computer that was left in an unsecured locker.

Jan. 19, 3200 block of Market Street

A Drexel Staff member reported unknown person(s) opened a credit card and made numerous purchases using the complainant’s name.

Jan. 19, 11:30 p.m. 3400 block of Market Street

A Drexel student reported that an unknown male snatched the complainant’s bag that containing a laptop and an iPhone.

Jan. 19, 200 block of N. Broad Street

A non-Drexel affiliate reported that unknown person(s) entered the complainant’s vehicle and took a wallet containing cash and ID.

Jan. 20 to 22, 100 block of N. 34th Street

A Drexel Staff member reported that unknown person(s) removed the letters “D” and “R” from the side of a Drexel owned building.


Jan. 25, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. 3500 block of Baring Street

A non-Drexel affiliate reported that unknown person(s) took the complainant’s bag containing a cell phone and wallet that was left unattended in a common area.


Jan. 18, 3300 block of Spring Garden Street

Drexel Police cited a non-Drexel affiliate after the complainant was stopped for a traffic violation and marijuana was discovered inside of the complainant’s vehicle.

Jan. 23, 12:23 a.m. 3200 block of Summer Street

Drexel Police cited four males after they were found to be in possession of marijuana.

During the period covered between Jan. 4 to Jan. 24in this report, there were five Policy Violations for Alcohol and three Policy Violations for Drugs. The reports were sent to the Office of Student Conduct for review.