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Drexel releases up-to-date Coronavirus numbers, testing plan | The Triangle

Drexel releases up-to-date Coronavirus numbers, testing plan

Oct. 9, 2020
Photograph courtesy of Marco Verch Professional Photographer at Flickr.

As of Oct. 5, Drexel University has reported 13 new COVID-19 cases among students and faculty, according to the COVID-19 dashboard.

On the dashboard, Drexel has been recording positive cases among students and faculty at the University City, Queen Lane and Center City campuses since June 15. The site has reported 82 cases in total, not including the recent update on Oct. 5.

The data on the dashboard includes cases among students and faculty who live within Pennsylvania. Three categories have been created for students within the population who tested positive: on-campus cases, off-campus cases and non-campus cases.

On-campus cases refer to the select few students who have lived in or visited a Drexel facility while they were infected. This includes faculty and graduate students in certain colleges, like the College of Medicine or the Kline School of Law, who continue classes on a hybrid model.

Off-campus cases refer to students who have not lived in or visited a campus facility during the time they were infected but reside in Philadelphia.

Non-campus cases refer to students who have not lived in or visited a campus facility during the time they were infected and do not live in the City of Philadelphia, but do live within the state of Pennsylvania.

Based on information provided by Drexel administrators, cases are being collected through the Drexel Health Tracker app, the Student Health Center and quarterly baseline testing.

Baseline testing was conducted in mid-September for students and employees whose records showed that they would be entering an administrative building at some point during fall term. Testing will be done quarterly, and after a completed test, routine testing is not required for any of the students included. In the baseline tests, 1,655 employees and 1,506 students were tested, yielding a positivity rate of 2.6 percent, according to DrexelNOW.

The Drexel Health Tracker is being used to track symptoms and test results of any student or faculty member who chooses to use it. The Drexel Health Tracker records symptoms, positive and negative test results and “check-ins” when a student confirms that they will be coming to a Drexel University campus location. If a positive test result is recorded, a member of the Student Health Center will reach out with further instructions.

The Student Health Center at the University City campus is also offering testing for both asymptomatic and symptomatic students. When the Student Health Center number is called, a COVID-19 dial-in option is presented and an appointment can be made over the phone. Results are expected with three to four days.

All three resources are available to students and faculty regardless of their on-campus, off-campus, non-campus and non-Pennsylvania resident status. However, only baseline testing is mandatory. Students have the option of utilizing the Drexel Health Tracker app and the option of going to the various other testing facilities throughout the city through the Student Health Center.

In addition to the optional positive case reporting, only students and faculty who reside within Pennsylvania are recorded on the dashboard, which exists to keep the public informed. The number of enrolled Drexel students who have tested positive but have not been mandated to report it remains unknown.