Drexel’s Public Safety partnering with Red Cross to host blood drive Nov. 19 | The Triangle

Drexel’s Public Safety partnering with Red Cross to host blood drive Nov. 19

Oct. 30, 2020
Photograph courtesy of American Red Cross.

Drexel University’s Department of Public Safety is sponsoring a blood drive in partnership with the Red Cross. The University is asking students to consider donating blood.

The Red Cross Blood Drive will be held Thursday, Nov. 19, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Red Cross House, located at 4000 Powelton Avenue, just outside Drexel’s campus.

The partnership between the Department of Public Safety and the Red Cross comes as an effort to increase donor turnout, especially since many Drexel students and staff continue to be learning and working remotely off-campus, said Thomas Cirone, community relations police officer.

Those interested in donating blood at the Red Cross Blood Drive must meet certain requirements.  All donors must be at least 16 years of age, weigh at least 110 pounds and be in good health. They should not have donated blood within 56 days of the blood drive.

The Red Cross encourages those who were deferred from donating blood in the past to consider trying again. Common reasons to be ineligible include the cold, flu and other illnesses; a waiting period after the final dose of certain medications; low iron levels and international travel.

To those who experience low iron levels, but are still interested in donating blood Nov. 19, the Red Cross suggests eating a well-balanced diet, containing iron-rich foods with Vitamin C. Younger people may also take an iron supplement to increase iron levels in their blood. Iron is found in foods like beef, turkey, chicken, lamb, pork and liver.

To sign up for the Red Cross Blood Drive sponsored by Drexel’s Department of Public Safety, visit www.redcrossblood.org and use the sponsor code “Drexel Police”. More information about eligibility, donation tips and tips to increase iron levels can be found here.