Well the candidates for your Undergraduate Student Government have presented themselves, and it’s time for you to go out and vote! Or stay inside and vote, since ballots can only be cast through DragonLink. There are 28 positions up for grabs, but only 10 of them are actually contested, so we’re only printing those candidates’ speeches. If you want to find out what the rest of the candidates have to say, check out our online feature on thetriangle.org to find out. Of special note this year is maybe the first instance of partisan politics in USGA: the so-called “Integrity Party” intends to take up to six seats.
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Engagement & Operations Assembly
Engagement and Operations Assembly
These are the people at USGA who actually do things: the movers and shakers who are at the top of the USGA totem pole.
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It’s his ship now, his command; he’s in charge. He’s the boss, the head man, top dog, big cheese, the head honcho. A living Smitty Werbenjagermanjenson, if you will: he’s number one. The President of USGA’s responsibilities include serving as the official representative of USGA to the administration and to other student governments and to preside over joint sessions of USGA. James Gordon is the only candidate for USGA President, so if you’re unsatisfied, get your write-in campaign moving now.
James Gordon
Biological Sciences
College of Arts & Sciences

•Extending/enhancing shuttle services
•Improving library and study spaces
• Expanding student outreach and collaboration
I encourage you to vote for me as President so we can continue to make university wide positive changes.
Communications Director
Communications Director is the most hotly contested position on USGA’s Engagement and Operations Assembly. The Communications Director is responsible for promoting USGA events and maintaining relationships with campus media outlets, including The Triangle.
Shawn Parker
LeBow College of Business

• Both co-ops have fortified by professional writing skills so I can develop USGA communications.
• I have 2 years of Photoshop experience; I can create aesthetically pleasing content for emails and social media campaigns.
Charles Burnett
Political Science
College of Arts & Sciences

Charles Burnett is a member of the Integrity Party and a member of The Triangle’s opinion staff.
Alissa Reichert
LeBow College of Business

• Served on USGA 2014-2015
• Goals for position:
o Promote USGA through social media, infonet, flyers, word-of-mouth, and meet & greets.
o Improve communication/transparency about USGA & University initiatives that impact the student experience
o Utilize media outlets to gain feedback on student perspective
The Archivist serves as the secretary of USGA as a whole and takes minutes at meetings and joint sessions. They are the primary contact between USGA and the library. Daredevils and thrill-seekers only, please.
Kim Post
Political Science, History
College of Arts & Sciences

Kim Post is a member of the Integrity Party and The Triangle’s staff manager.
Akshay Koottala
LeBow College of Business

• Keep the student body updated on USGA initiatives and improvements’
• Encourage Interdisciplinary actions between the different USGA Cabinets
Money: it’s what Drexel is about, in the end. The Treasurer maintains USGA’s finances, attends all SAFAC coordinated meetings and is the sole keeper of the keys to USGA’s enormous vault of gold coins where they go swimming on weekends.
Phil Holder
LeBow College of Business

Molly Cuka
LeBow College of Business

Events Director
Equivalent of Office of Campus Activities’ favorite new position that your student organization needs to have for some reason. Really need a description? Fine. This officer coordinates events. Uncontested position.
Brittany Tuccirone
LeBow College of Business

Able to apply past on-campus and co-op event planning experience
Helpful to students and USGA member’s with events they are planning
Dedicated to working with the University to make sure that students are informed of events occurring on campus
Personnel Director
The Personnel Director directs USGA personnel (duh). Duties include but are not limited to attendance tracking and, per the USGA constitution, “grade point average assessment,” which sounds like something which would likely get The Triangle’s editor-in-chief thrown out of the organization, and maybe even the school…
Veronica Monteiro
Product Design
Antionette Westphal College of Media Arts & Design

Student Life Assembly
The Student Life Assembly actually consists of 11 positions from all walks of student life, but only three of these seats have contested elections. The remaining seats either have only one person running, and three seats have no candidates and will presumably go vacant at the end of this term. Those uncontested candidates also have speeches, however.
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International Student Representative
The International Student Representative exists to advance the interests of Drexel’s large international community. Four candidates have applied for this hotly contested position, two of whom account for over 66 percent of the visible pocket squares in this election.
Nino Avreyski
Political Science
College of Arts & Sciences

Mridul Chulet
Civil Engineering
College of Engineering

Kiki Liu

Mahmond Hallak

• Unique insight on how to help international students effectively
• Support students’ visions and goals
• Help USGA represent the student body more adequately
• Make the right choice, Mahmoud will hear your voice
Greek Life Representative
The Greek Life Representative brings to the table the needs of fraternity and sorority life at Drexel University. They are also presumably responsible for all procedures relating to keg acquisition and management at all USGA functions serving alcohol.
Mario Squicciarini
Business and Engineering
LeBow College of Business

• 2+ Years Greek Life Experience
• 1 Year as President/1 Year as Treasurer
• Great relationships with FSL Staff
• 1 year of USGA Experience as Treasurer
• I saw USGA grow this past year, now I want to take it to the next level.
Chris Brennan
Biomedical Engineering
College of Biomedical Engineering, Science & Health

• USGA Student Organizations Rep for 2 years
• Current IFC Scholarship Representative
• Greek Week Chair for Theta Chi Fraternity
• Served on the University Assessment Committee
• Served on the Board of Trustees Human Resources Committee
Gary Voltaire

Student Organization Representative
The Student Organization Representative comes from Drexel’s student organization community, which, if DragonLink is to be believed, includes as many as 472 separate student organizations. It’s a tall order for one person, but evidently four are eager to take on the task.
Shahmar Beasley
Political Science
College of Arts & Sciences

Robert Hermann
Mechanical Engineering
College of Engineering

Radhika Amin
Legal Studies
LeBow College of Business

Lenni Paolini
LeBow College of Business

Transfer Student Representative
The position of Transfer Student Representative is uncontested.
Chelsea Bann
Design & Merchandising
Antionette Westphal College of Media Arts & Design

I volunteer for Urban Tree Connection and am involved with Fossil Free Drexel.
I wish to voice my opinions with fresh eyes and a level head.
I hope you will consider me as a good match for the Transfer Student Representative! Thank You.
Co-op Student Representative
The position of Co-op Student Representative is uncontested.
Christina Schweingruber
College of Arts & Sciences

• Ability to devote the time needed to respond to individual students and communicate with them in a clear and concise matter
• Previous leadership and organization experience with Drexel University Mock Trial
Commuter Student Representative
The position of Commuter Student Representative is uncontested.
Joseph Dougherty
Legal Studies
LeBow College of Business

My name is… Joseph Dougherty and I am running to be your Commuter Student Representative
Inclusion & Diversity Representative
The position of Diversity Representative is uncontested.
Pankti Acharya

Library Representative
The position of Library Representative is brand-new for 2015, and is uncontested.
Michael Haskel
Undecided Engineering
College of Engineering

Athletics Representative
No candidates.
Veterans Representative
No candidates.
Residential Living Representative
No candidates.
Academic Assembly
The Academic Assembly consists of representatives from all colleges at Drexel University. There are 12 seats on the Academic Assembly, corresponding to each college. Four of these seats currently have multiple candidates, which are listed below and to the right. Four further seats have uncontested races, and four seats have no candidates for this year. One seat, the School of Public Health Representative, not only has no candidate, but is also currently vacant.
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College of Engineering
Tauheed Baukman
Chemical Engineering

Ryan Hoos
Chemical Engineering

Chelsea Chapeliere
Electrical Engineering

Pennoni Honors College
James Shallow
Chemical Engineering
College of Engineering

Helena Xie
Health Sciences
College of Nursing and Health Sciences

Qualifications: (1) Leadership experience as an Honors student ambassador and student ambassador; (2) “Ambitious”, “Driven”, “Motivated” are my three nicknames
Goal: Creating a warm, open Honors community environment in which students can voice their opinions/ideas
LeBow College of Business
Kirtan Patel

“Behind The “Curtain” Lies
A Lasting Lebow.”
Duncan Faris
General Business

• Top-Notch Communication
-Between student’s and their interests, me, and the faculty who can make change happen.
• Leadership
-Ability to advocate for students.
• Work Ethic
-If I promise to do something, I’ll follow through with it. No broken promises here
College of Computing and Infomatics
Mitul Shah
Information Technology

Meghna Malhotra
Software Engineering

Antionette Westphal College of Media Arts & Design
The position of Antionette Westphal College of Media Arts & Design Representative is uncontested.
Kyra Gray
Design & Merchandising

• Involved on campus with multiple organizations
• Dedicated, personable, motivated, and open-minded
• Plan to:
• Improve communication between faculty, staff, and administration with students.
• Improve awareness about resources available to all students
• create online anonymous forum for students to submit suggestions, questions, and
College of Education
The position of College of Education Representative is uncontested.
Mionee Desai
Elementary Education

• Become more involved on campus at Drexel
• Have previous leadership experience
• Create more opportunities of interaction within the School of Education between students and faculty.
• Serve as your liaison
College of Arts & Sciences
The position of College of Arts & Sciences Representative is uncontested.
Colin O’Hara
Biological Sciences

• Promote increased student to student interaction to discuss studying, classes, time management, etc.
• Increase the awareness of the accomplishments of the students.
• Increase student-teacher interaction outside of the classroom.
• Be a strong voice for students in College of Arts & Sciences.
College of Nursing and Health Professions
The position of College of Nursing and Health Professions Representative is uncontested.
Katey Raiser

Served various positions, including president, for the Drexel Univeristy Student Nurses Association.
Served for 4 years, including 2 terms as Vice President, on CNHP Student Senate.
My goal is for CNHP student voices to be heard throughout the University.
Close School of Entrepreneurship
No candidates.
College of Hospitality & Sport Management
No candidates.
College of Biomedical Engineering, Science & Health Systems
No candidates.
School of Public Health
No candidates, post currently vacant.
An earlier version of this article erroneously identified Katey Raiser as Colin O’Hara. The Triangle regrets this error.
An earlier version of this article erroneously identified Meghna Malhotra (College of Computing and Informatics) as Mitul Shah (also College of Computing and Informatics.) The Triangle regrets this error.