If you look at your schedule, you’ll probably see that you have classes in a lot of different buildings, and you might have no idea how to get to them. Don’t panic — we’re here to help.
Here’s how you get to the academic buildings if you’re starting at the freshman dorms. We don’t have room for all the shortcuts here, but you can always ask your RA or discover some on your own.
All photographs in this article were taken by Nick Camarata for The Triangle.
Bossone Research Enterprise Center
Go downhill on 33rd Street. Once you hit Market Street, turn left. It’s just past 32nd Street and has a big glass facade. Alternatively, you can take Lancaster Walk all the way down to Market Street and come out right by it.
Center for Automation Technology (CAT)
Go downhill on 33rd Street. Once you hit Market Street, turn left. Just before you hit 31st street, you’ll see a building called the Bennett S. LeBow Engineering center (see LeBow Engineering in this guide for a photo). In the front of the building, there are blue columns — go between them into the courtyard area between buildings. CAT and LeBow Engineering should both be on your left, so check the name on the door before you go in to make sure it’s the right building.
Creese Student Center and MacAlister Hall
Go downhill on 33rd Street. Once you hit Chestnut Street, turn left. Alternatively, go here whichever way you normally go to the Hans. Creese and MacAlister are connected by the Mandell Theater, on 33rd and Chestnut, which is connected to the bookstore and right behind the Hans. Creese is the eastern part with the study areas and the commuter lounge. MacAlister houses classrooms that are mostly upstairs, as well as The Triangle offices on the 3rd floor.
Disque Hall
Go downhill on 33rd Street. Once you hit Market Street, turn left. Go all the way up to the statue in front of LeBow Business (see LeBow Business in this guide for a photo) and turn right. Disque is right behind that. Note — Disque Hall and Stratton Hall are connected, and you can get to one without leaving the other.
LeBow Business
Go downhill on 33rd Street. Once you hit Market Street, turn left. LeBow Business is just past 32nd Street. It’s the one with the statue of A.J. Drexel sitting in front of it. It’s also home to a Starbucks.
Lebow Engineering
Go downhill on 33rd Street. Once you hit Market Street, turn left. Just before you hit 31st Street, you’ll see a building called the Bennett S. LeBow Engineering Center. That’s this one. In the front of the building, there are blue columns — go between them into the courtyard area between buildings. LeBow Engineering and CAT should both be on your left, so check the name on the door before you go in to make sure it’s the right building.
Main Building/Randell Hall/Curtis Hall
This is the iconic Drexel building you see in most advertisements. To get there, go downhill on 33rd Street. One you hit Chestnut Street, turn left. It’s just past 32nd Street.
Randell Hall and Curtis Hall are both connected to the Main Building. There are signs inside that should point you towards them.
Go downhill on 33rd Street. Once you hit Market Street, you’re there. Nesbitt is on the corner of 33rd and Market, across the street from the statue of Mario the Magnificent.
One Drexel Plaza
This one’s probably the furthest away of all of these, so build in a little extra time if you’re coming from your dorm. To get there, go downhill on 33rd Street. Once you hit Market Street, turn left. Go under the big blue bridge that says “DREXEL” in big yellow letters. It’s just past that. The basement is called “the Garden Level.”
Papadakis Integrated Sciences Building (PISB)
This is another iconic building, with the spiral staircase and biowall. To get there, go downhill 33rd Street. Once you hit Chestnut Street, you’re there. It’s on 33rd and Chestnut.
Go downhill on 33rd Street. Once you hit Market Street, turn left. Pearlstein is just before 32nd Street and just past the statue of Mario the Magnificent.
Paul Peck Academic Building
This building is the closest to the dorms. Go downhill on 33rd Street and you’ll run into it right before Arch street. If you’re coming from Towers, just go left on Arch Street one block.
Stratton Hall
Go downhill on 33rd Street. One you hit Chestnut Street, turn left. It’s just before 32nd Street. Note — Disque Hall and Stratton Hall are connected, and you can get to one without leaving the other.
Rush Building
Go downhill on 33rd Street until you hit Lancaster Avenue. Turn right and go back uphill on Lancaster Walk just a few steps, and you’ll run right into it. It has a very pretty courtyard, the alumni garden.