Goodwin to launch four-year Masters in education | The Triangle

Goodwin to launch four-year Masters in education

Nov. 4, 2011

On Oct. 17, the Goodwin College announced a new four-year accelerated bachelor’s/master’s degree program in education debuting in the fall, which will allow students to attain a master’s degree in education in four years rather than six.

The College touted the highly selective program, which is expected to attract as many as 20 new freshmen each year, as “the only one of its kind in teacher education in the country” on the college’s website,

The B.S./M.S. in education aims to train students to pursue a variety of career paths. Students enrolling in the program may pursue career prospects such as teaching in the K-12 setting. However, Matthew Gray, manager of recruitment and enrollment at Goodwin College, explained that a variety of other career opportunities exist.

“[Students] may also choose careers related to higher education; global and international education, human resource development; learning technologies; or teaching, learning and curriculum,” Gray said.

The new degree will only be offered to enrolling freshmen majoring in elementary or secondary education.

“Regrettably, the option is not available to students already attending Drexel,” Gray said.

“Full-time and academically qualified fall 2012-13 teacher education freshmen who do not initially apply for the accelerated degree option will have the opportunity to do so through the end of May of their freshman year,” he continued.

In a statement offered by Gray, he explained the areas of certification.

“Teacher certification areas include the elementary education areas of pre-kindergarten [through] grade 4 (PreK-4); PreK-4 with special education; or middle level (grades 4 through 8 ) math and English, science and English, or math and science, as well as the secondary areas (grades 7 through 12) of mathematics or one of the sciences (biology, chemistry, earth and space science, environmental science, general science, physics or social studies),” he stated.

In keeping with the ideals of Drexel’s nationally renowned co-op program, students of the program will participate in graduate co-ops or internships of their own design as part of their master’s degree.

“In addition to working with their assigned academic adviser to explore their options, part of the freshman educational experience will be exploring career options in addition to or beyond teaching to assist the students in the final selection of the M.S. degree area. Each student will work collaboratively with School of Education staff to refine a plan of study that meets his or her educational and career goals,” Gray said.

The new program is one of many of Drexel’s accelerated degree programs. The University currently offers a variety of B.S./M.S. plans in the sciences, engineering and some liberal arts. Accelerated MBA as well as B.S./J.D. and B.S./M.D. programs are offered for business, law and medical students, respectively.

Nationally there is an increasing emphasis on graduate studies. The potential to earn an increased income and acquire a higher skill set is a draw for many students. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, enrollment for postsecondary institutions increased by 38 percent, going from 14.8 million to 20.4 million students between 1999 and 2009.

A report released by the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workplace detailed that students who held a master’s degree were much more likely to earn more than those in their field with only a bachelor’s degree. The report states that 40 percent of liberal arts majors attain a graduate degree and that possessing the degree increased their average earnings by almost 50 percent.

With high tuition rates and high unemployment rates, students may be very interested in pursuing accelerated degree programs to spend less money and less time getting their master’s while increasing their competitive edge.

“The four-year undergraduate tuition [for the B.S./M.S. in education] includes all coursework for both degrees. … Graduates with both an undergraduate and graduate degree are potentially more marketable to potential employers. Students will fully immerse themselves in the program and gain an additional skillset they may not otherwise receive,” Gray said.

For more information on the B.S./M.S. in education or any other accelerated degree program, visit