Myers Hall to be demolished, replaced with green space | The Triangle

Myers Hall to be demolished, replaced with green space

Mar. 17, 2017

Drexel University’s Department of Campus Services announced March 17 that Myers Hall, a traditional-style freshman residence hall, will be demolished and replaced with green space during the 2017-2018 academic year.

Preparation for the removal of the residence hall on 3301 Race St. will begin after the summer conference season ends Sept. 3. It is expected to take several months as the building and its contents are inventoried and infrastructure, furniture or materials that can be repurposed or recycled are salvaged. The building’s demolition is expected to take place in summer 2018.

Myers Hall was opened in 1977 as temporary housing; its demolition and replacement was determined in the public realm section of the 2012-2017 Drexel Master Plan.

A green space in which students can relax and spend time with friends will take its place. It will be designed by West 8, a landscape architecture and planning firm.

During the 2017-2018 academic year, freshman housing options will include Kelly, Millennium, North, Race, Towers and Van Rensselaer halls. The college learning communities currently housed in Myers Hall will be relocated in collaboration with individual schools and colleges.

Sophomore housing options for the 2017-2018 academic year will include Caneris, North and Stiles halls. They may also stay in Chestnut Square, The Summit and University Crossings, which are managed by American Campus Communities.