Not co-oped up in one place | The Triangle

Not co-oped up in one place

Always on the move with Drexel’s co-op

Apr. 6, 2018
Photograph courtesy of Drexel University

For most Drexel University students, this past April 2 marked the return to either classes for spring quarter or co-op for the spring-summer co-op cycle.

The spring-summer co-op cycle will run between April 2 and Sept. 21 this year, and spring has officially begun. Many students greet the transition between classes and co-op with either happiness or trepidation, but either way, the change of pace on campus is definitely noticeable.

As some juniors end or begin their last co-op during their time at Drexel, they reflect back on their co-op experiences throughout their Drexel careers.

Harry Bach, a biomedical engineering junior, is just starting his third co-op, working for the second year as a research assistant in the Department of Biochemistry. His first co-op was at Johnson & Johnson. Bach said he commuted to work from home his first two years on co-op, but prefers to live on campus, and is getting a chance to do so this year.

When asked about his favorite parts of co-op, he said “You get to do more practical work, things that are more enjoyable for the most part than sitting in a classroom. It’s definitely less stressful.”

While some juniors have spent their co-ops at similar or mostly similar workplaces, many Drexel students change their co-op each year. Victoria Smith, a junior Chemistry major in the 5-year 3 co-op program, has worked at a different location each year. She shared her experience traveling back to the United States after a co-op abroad.

“Coming back from a co-op abroad can be a big transition. When I came back from my second co-op in West Africa it took a little while to get used to living in Philadelphia again, but once I was back in classes, the transition was seamless! It was great to see my classmates and professors who I hadn’t seen for six months while I was on co-op,” she explained.

While the upperclassmen enjoy getting closer to completing their degree, many freshmen are eager to look ahead to their upcoming opportunities to participate in the co-op experience.

Cecilia Cirne, a freshman culinary science student, is enrolled in the four-year, one co-op program.

“I am looking forward to co-op in the sense that I am excited to get into the workforce and see the application of my education,” Cirne explained.

However, co-op can also be an intimidating process for many young students. “I’m also nervous because I only have one co-op and I really want to get it right and pick the co-op for me since I don’t have second and third chances,” Cirne shared.

Another freshman, Will Collingsworth, is enrolled in the College of Nursing and Health Professions.

“I’m looking forward to finally doing stuff that has more to do with my major. As a nursing major, taking anatomy classes is great and all, but nobody is going into nursing because they love knowing all the carpal bones,” he stated.

Whether you are back to class, back to work, or trudging away at your last term before summer and possibly graduation (here’s to you freshmen and seniors), we at The Triangle wish you a great first week back.