Paper elects former news editor as editor-in-chief | The Triangle

Paper elects former news editor as editor-in-chief

Apr. 6, 2012

Stan Wright, a sophomore communication major, was recently elected to the position of editor-in-chief of The Triangle, Drexel University’s independent student newspaper, for the spring and summer terms.

David Stephenson, former editor-in -chief of the Triangle, announced March 19 that Wright would assume his position starting spring term.

Prior to his election, Wright worked as the news editor since the 2011 fall term, when he was also chosen to join the editorial board, the decision-making body of the paper. He joined The Triangle during his freshman year as a news and entertainment staff writer and was promoted to assistant news editor in January 2011.

Stephenson, who served as editor-in-chief for the fall and winter terms, is confident in the staff’s choice for his successor.

“Since his days as a news writer, Stan has shown me that he both cares for the stories that come before him, and he is truly excited by and curious about the events that he covers,” Stephenson said. “Like much of the professional media, college media is rapidly changing, and I couldn’t think of a better driving force to complete those challenges than Stan.”

During his time as editor-in-chief, Wright plans to focus on recruitment, increasing readership and continuing to provide reliable news on campus.

“I’ve been put in a great position where my former editors have taught me a lot. They’ve done a lot of good for the paper, and now we can look to move forward with a lot of our projects and aspirations for the paper in the next six months,” he said.

After putting in so many hours in writing, editing and producing the paper, Wright knew he was ready for the job of editor-in-chief. As news editor he wa responsible for covering international news events involving the University, student and faculty deaths and other breaking news stories.

Wright just completed his first co-op with Comcast Corp., where he worked as a communications intern in the engineering and technical operations department. During his time there, he learned firsthand about technical writing, professional interactions and social networking for business environments.

According to Wright, this real-world experience and all of his credentials from The Triangle helped to prepare him for the tasks and pressures associated with being editor-in-chief.

“There are a lot of upcoming events, a lot of partnerships that Drexel is involved in, … and there’s always a lot going on. Especially now, now more than ever, we need to make sure that we’re on top of everything. And to some extent, people really appreciate what we do,” he said.

After almost two years of working for The Triangle, Wright is motivated by his peers and the hard work they contribute.

“We do have a lot of passionate staffers that really do work hard and put out some great work. Whether that is the photography we take or the articles that are written, I’m really impressed by my colleagues. Just getting to interact with all [of them] is probably one of the bigger perks,” he said.

Wright hopes to improve the paper’s staff recruitment during his time as editor-in-chief and emphasized the fact that the paper is always looking for and welcoming new members.

“We’re looking for all sorts of majors with all sorts of backgrounds … to give us a dynamic feel to the paper,” Wright said.

Students interested in joining The Triangle are encouraged to email [email protected] for more information or attend the weekly staff meeting, which takes place Mondays at 6:30 p.m. in the newspaper office on the third floor of MacAlister Hall.