SAFAC launches Dragon Concert Series Committee | The Triangle

SAFAC launches Dragon Concert Series Committee

Jul. 29, 2011

The student-run Drexel Student Activity Fee Allocation Committee is supporting the implementation of three campuswide concerts this year with the creation of The Dragon Concert Series Committee.

The new committee will continue the existing concert traditions of Homecoming and Spring Jam, as well as add a new concert to the DAC Pack’s Midnight Madness event, which takes place annually at the beginning of the basketball season. Yet SAFAC’s funding will do more than provide Drexel undergraduates with a concert each term in the 2011-12 school year, according to Julie Paradiso, traditions director for the Campus Activities Board.

“SAFAC gave us money with student volunteers in mind,” Paradiso said. “This whole concert Series Committee is about working together, getting more student involvement and bringing about diversity for genres to satisfy all wants.”

Ari Winkleman, president of the Drexel Traditions Program, also pointed out the added opportunities for students to volunteer.

“Concerts are really amazing opportunities for students to give back to Drexel – there are a billion ways to get involved,” Winkleman said.

The Dragon Concert Series Committee will be looking for a number of volunteers to aid in the organization of all three concerts, with a number of jobs and tasks to choose from, including booking talent, creating and implementing marketing strategies, posting flyers and production of the concerts.

The planning of any individual event alone takes a tremendous amount of time and effort. Last year’s Homecoming serves as a live example of that fact. Even with campuswide support from every college dean, President John Fry, and the raising of over $100,000, the Homecoming concert still fell through, with a domino effect sparked by circumstances beyond the Traditions Committee’s control and a lack of time in which to fix it. However, 2010’s problems appear to have served as the catalyst for 2011-12’s initiatives.

“We worked with Student Life and petitioned SAFAC every year to fund three concerts, and this year we got it,” Winkleman said. CAB and the DAC Pack had been talking of partnering for a concert for many years.

“They all knew we wanted three concerts, so this year they gave us that shot,” DAC Pack vice president Joe Finch said. “From our standpoint, we want three quality concerts to give the college a collective unity and identity.”

“We want to show everyone ‘This is us, this is Drexel.’ These concerts are a recruiting tool. They increase campus pride,” Paradiso added.

The Dragon Concert Series Committee’s actions will also ensure campus pride through the diversifying of genres presented at each concert. Often a source of complaint from students, Spring Jam and Homecoming are unable to please all attendees when it comes to the genre and popularity of each artist booked for their concerts. The addition of a third event will alleviate that burden, as Midnight Madness will very likely be the go-to show for hip-hop and rap fans, while Homecoming and Spring Jam will become open to rock, pop, electronic or country guests.

All students are invited to give their input as far as which celebrity acts will be performing at Drexel. Representatives of each organization will be at the Dragon Expo, taking place at the Daskalakis Athletic Center from Aug. 9 through 25, and students are encouraged offer their suggestions for artists and genres. The first Dragon Concert Series Committee interest meeting will be held Aug. 4 at 7 p.m. in the DAC media room, and all students, including freshmen, are welcome to attend.

“We’re very thankful towards SAFAC’s generous donations,” Paradiso said. “It’s going to make Drexel life a lot more fun, and boost campus and the students’ morale in a great way.”
To vote and nominate potential Midnight Madness, Homecoming and Spring Jam artists, visit their Facebook and Twitter pages (@Drexelcab and @dacpack) and sign up to volunteer at