Triangle Talks with Joshua Hoornaert | The Triangle

Triangle Talks with Joshua Hoornaert

May. 23, 2014

Joshua Hoornaert is a senior sport management major. He has been captain of the water polo team for three years and was announced to recieve the Club Sports Male Athlete of the Year Award at the 2014 Student Life Awards.

Triangle Talks: What’s your story? What brought you to Drexel?
Joshua Hoornaert: I mostly came to Drexel for the co-op program. Since I want to work in the sports field, I figured that Philadelphia would be a good place because it has a lot of opportunities. Also, being from California, I wanted to get away and experience what it is like going to a school on the East Coast.
TT: What interested you in Water Polo?
JH: I was unable to play my favorite sports of basketball and baseball in high school because of chronic plantar fasciitis pain, so I decided to play water polo. Pretty much my entire family had played water polo, including my older brother, so I thought that I should give it a try. I instantly loved it.
TT: How many years have you been on the team and how did you get involved?
JH: I’ve been on the team for four years. I became involved when one of my friends from freshman year wanted to go to a practice at the beginning of sophomore year, so I went with him. He only went to a few practices, but I’ve been on the team ever since.
TT: What is your favorite thing about the team?
JH: My favorite thing about the team is the diversity that we have. We have people from all over the country that have played different styles of water polo, but we have been able to come together as a unit to become one of the better teams in our league.
TT: What does it feel like to be recognized as an athlete of the year?
JH: It feels pretty good to [be] recognized as athlete of the year, especially since water polo is not that popular here on the East Coast. There are so many other club teams here at Drexel, so to be honored as the athlete of the year is pretty special.
TT: Why do you think that you were chosen?
JH: I think that I was recognized, not because of how many goals I scored, but for the leadership that I showed in the pool. I feel that I was able to make the players around me better, which translated into us being a better team.
TT: Are you involved in other extracurricular activities? If so, which ones?
JH: I have been a member of Tau Kappa Epsilon since winter 2010 and have been the secretary and vice president twice.
TT: If you could be granted three wishes, what would they be?
JH: To have a successful career in the sports industry, long-term health for me and my family, to be financially secure.
TT: Describe your experience at Drexel in a word or short phrase.
JH: Busy.
TT: The best part of Drexel is …
JH: The best part of Drexel is all the various clubs and activities that they offer outside the curriculum. They help students feel more connected with the University and help them to build leadership qualities.