Triangle Talks with Steven Fox | The Triangle

Triangle Talks with Steven Fox

May. 16, 2014
Photo Credit: Steven Fox
Photo Credit: Steven Fox

Steven Fox is a junior computer science major following tracks in software engineering and computing systems and is president of Dragon Jedi.

Triangle Talks: When did you get into Jedi?

Steven Fox: I got into Jedi and fight choreography in my senior year of high school. A couple of friends and I had attended the Philadelphia Comic Convention and there was an organization called New Jedi Order, or NJO, performing there. We decided to go and we were amazed by their performance! They had one fight called “The Pincushion Fight,” where four people fought against one huge guy with a massive lightsaber claymore. He tossed them all over the stage, and even when they slashed and cut him, he kept getting up — until everyone stabbed him at once. We thought their performance was pretty fantastic and they were accepting new people, so I decided to give it a shot.

TT: What interested you in Dragon Jedi?

SF: In my sophomore year at Drexel, I had gotten a few of my friends into lightsaber fight choreography as well, and we started practicing outside. Bystanders kept asking us if we were a club, but we just told them we were just practicing. We talked about it and decided we were actually interested in forming a club. Eventually, the opportunity to form a For Students By Students group in Caneris Hall presented itself. We used this to gather more interest for forming a full Drexel organization. In a surprisingly short period of time, we gathered the 10 people needed to form a club and from that moment forward we were known as Dragon Jedi.

TT: How often do you practice and what do practices consist of?

SF: We practice every Tuesday and Friday at 7 p.m. on the blue and yellow area by the Armory. Practices cover the basic system that we use to choreograph fights: a system of numbers and letters that correspond to different attack zones. We also cover how to fall safely, “using” the force, dramatic deaths, executing dodge-rolls and many other techniques.

TT: What’s the best part about being the president of Dragon Jedi?

SF: The best part about being the president is watching the students learn and grow. I love teaching people and not always about fight choreography. I think it’s great to help students join the club that normally tend to be timid or reserved and help them develop over time into more confident and outgoing individuals. I want to help as many people as I can realize the leadership potential inside themselves, and fight choreography is one potential road to get them there.

TT: Do you participate in other clubs or have other hobbies?

SF: I’m also the club president of the Drexel Shotokan Karate Club. We’re a traditional karate club, and we’ve been around for more than 40 years. Since 1988, we’ve won 19 of the 25 National Championships. It’s been a great influence in my life and has made me into the leader I am today. I’ve also been a pianist for about 11 or 12 years and a choral singer since high school. I also enjoy swing dancing and occasionally do stand-up comedy.

TT: If you could have three wishes what would they be?

SF: Wish one: the ability to create and destroy matter at will. Wish two: the ability to make myself immortal and mortal at will. Wish three: a magic genie lamp.

TT: What do you think makes a good leader?

SF: A good leader is tough to classify, but I’ll try nonetheless. I think it’s important for a good leader to demonstrate the qualities they want their followers to uphold. It’s not enough to tell people how to act; you have to show them. Additionally, the leader should make it clear that you’re a part of the team. A good leader should have a vision of where they want to take their group or organization and also how to get there. A good leader should be level-headed and logical but also receptive to the feelings of the team. There must be balance here and it’s not always easy to do the “right” thing when obstacles present themselves. Being a leader can be easy. Being a good leader can be extremely difficult.

TT: What are your plans after graduation?

SF: I’d like to travel around the world for a little [bit], just to see what things are like in other places. When I return, I’d like to develop mobile applications to help interest kids in the [science, technology, engineering and mathematics] fields through gameplay. If you can make something fun, anyone will want to do it.

TT: The best thing about Drexel is …

SF: That you guys have me! Just kidding. I think club sports and the Office of Campus Activities are probably some of Drexel’s best features. They’re always on the ball and help organizations like Dragon Jedi and Drexel Karate keep running smoothly.

TT: How can other students get involved in Dragon Jedi?

SF: Come out to practice with us! You can join the club at any time. Check out our Facebook page for more information:

Triangle Talks is a weekly column that highlights members of the Drexel community.