University named one of healthiest employers | The Triangle

University named one of healthiest employers

Apr. 13, 2012

The Philadelphia Business Journal recently named Drexel University one of the healthiest employers in the Delaware Valley for the second consecutive year, according to a March 23 University press release.

In order to qualify for the contest, organizations had to complete an online corporate assessment administered by Healthiest Employers, a private firm. The assessment consisted of 75 questions pertaining to wellness programs, leadership commitment, strategic planning and other categories.

The results were determined using a format developed by a panel of professionals from health, academic and business backgrounds. A proprietary algorithm then indexed each company against the survey set.

Drexel’s “A Healthier U” program, which launched in May 2010, is one of the more public and successful ways the University promotes healthy living for its employees, faculty and students. Headed by Victor Tringali, it  is a collaborative effort between the offices of Human Resources, Recreational Athletics and Student Life. Through the program, students are offered physical, emotional and financial wellness services and resources. These include the health and recreation programs and activities; learning discussions; student health insurance; mind, body and spirit classes; and comprehensive medical care.

The Drexel Recreation Center provides opportunities for students, faculty and the community to improve their health and overall well-being by hosting a wellness fair, various workshops and weight management programs.

“For anyone who is trying to improve their health, try to get 30 minutes of physical activity in each day,” Tringali said.

The program also stresses healthy eating. Shelf tags and brochures placed at Northside Dining Terrace, ThirtyOne41 and Creese Cafe identify dining options that meet criteria set by volunteers in public health, nutrition sciences and food service, as well as registered dieticians. The changes were part of the newest action of the program, which launched September 2011.

“We have a healthier selections program that identifies healthier choices available in the campus dining facilities,” Tringali said.

There will be an awards breakfast and a featured keynote presentation by Janet and Vince Papale May 31 at the WHYY Dorrance H. Hamilton Public Media Commons. At the event, the five highest-scoring organizations will be revealed. These organizations will be profiled in a special print supplement in the June edition of the Philadelphia Business Journal.

“Hopefully next year we’ll be ranked in the top five,” Tringali said.

Drexel was also recently recognized by the American Heart Associated as a “Gold Level Fit Friendly Workplace” for the second year in a row.