An Open Letter to President Fry from the 500 Registered Nurses of St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children | The Triangle

An Open Letter to President Fry from the 500 Registered Nurses of St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children

Dear President Fry:

We are the 500 registered nurses at St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children. We are members of the Pennsylvania Association of Staff Nurses and Allied Professionals. One month ago, Drexel and Tower Health agreed to purchase St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children for $50 million cash. We, the nursing staff, had hoped for a smooth transition. Instead, Drexel has refused to recognize our union contract, which contains protective patient care language ensuring that sick children are guaranteed a nurse at the bedside, and so far Drexel and John Fry have ignored our request for a meeting. The safe staffing standards in our contract, if implemented statewide, could save over 250 lives every year. St. Chris made $54 million in just 9 months in 2018. The hospital has the money to give kids the care they deserve. St. Chris is a safety-net hospital that serves vulnerable children in North Philadelphia. St. Chris Kids Are Not a Commodity.  We urge the Drexel community to call upon John Fry to recognize our contract, and give North Philly kids the care that they deserve. Respect the Nurses. Protect the Patients. Assume our Contract.

signed by:
Suzanne Swift, RN, PresidentMaria Plano, RN, Vice PresidentDeb Young, RN, Vice PresidentTracy Low, RN, SecretaryKait Smith, RNUhura Russ, RNMary Lou Smazzylo, RNVirginia Pannah, RNFrank Dattilo, RNJill McCausland, RNMaureen Steinmetz, RN